Oh yea sorry... Dude, Take bungies maps for example there shotguns and snipers are set to long respawn time like 3 mins to give game balance. With 30 seconds respawn and that much ammo is ridiculous. Do you get me maybe reseach other maps and seee how they do it. . .
yeah i would say put the sniper to at least a 2 min respawn with no spare clips, more if you have a spare clip. and the shotty to at least a 3 min respawn with so spares. and when you post twice in a row with none in between, its a double post, which is an infraction. try not to do it.
great map, its REALLY good because its indoor and that makes awsome maps, when there is a roof and everything. or a map with walls that block off most of the map. one thing-not about map itself-> all the action shots look like you just kiling your guest lol. except for one where the guest kills you. =P
the map looks pretty good and there is good interlocking but the pics dont show much anyways the thing at the end is pretty funny
Nice one. . . you took my suggestions now the map will be alot more player able. Well done Keep on Forging
Looks like a pretty cool map from the pictures. Nice job on your thread. 5 stars for that. 5/5 on the map's quality, now for the game play.
Hey looks fun 4/5 i like the interlocking 4/5, but i have a tip, you should have an overview and, or, make the pictures up higher on the map.
This map looks very nicely made. The map is unique in that it is symetrical but the weapons are asymetrical; very nice! I like the overall layout, and I think that the thought you put into weapon control will really pay off. I would say that your interlocking is off in some spots, but that is understandable in a map with this much of it. Overall, very good map. 4.5/5
I apologize for the lack of overview pics. Unfortunately, it was impossible to take overview pics due to the invisible barrier high in foundry. I will do more overview pics for my next map. Thanks for the feedback. Enjoy the map and feel free to edit it if you like. HAPPY forging :] Just wanted to say I REALLY like eclipse. I play it all the time, I'm a big fan of your work. Can't wait to see what you make next.
A. dont double post. B. the map itself looks very nice, but id like to address two things. 1. you didnt put anything as far as filler weapons at all.. and they are the glue that holds together gameplay. 2. your "action" shots show nothing about how your map plays in the slightest. I actually fully believe that they are staged and only one person is at control of them... because theres one character in neutral at all times... EDIT: i see you've taken care of 1. sorry.
A. dont double post. Woops, sorry 2. your "action" shots show nothing about how your map plays in the slightest. I actually fully believe that they are staged and only one person is at control of them... because theres one character in neutral at all times... Yeah... I'll add some REAL pics of how it plays tomorrow, sorry. I have no friends
ive done it myself... and also got busted... its easy to see just get some people from forgehub to help test. theres plenty of people.
I posted some new shots with gameplay. The shots were taken from a game of fiesta slayer which has random weapons so some of the weapons in the photos are not on this map. Fiesta is fun though, especially on this map!