Alright well first of all this is my first map on forgehub and one of my first maps including merging etc, so it isnt too great. So please comment it telling me what i should fix and improve on this map. Map Title: Oblivion Created by: Stealthyhawk14 Supported Game Types: All (Not too great for some of them, but it does work on all gametypes.) Recommended Players: 2-8 Weapon Listing: 1 Sniper 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Spartan Laser 1 Sentinel Beam 1 Energy Sword 1 Shotgun 2 SMG 5 Battle Rifles 1 Brute shot 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Maulers 2 Spikers 2 Carbines 1 Magnum 1 Needler Just realized I probably put too many weapons, but ill fix it along with any other problems if I make a second version. Downloading =/ Well like i said this is my first time posting anything on forgehub...I tryed to get a link for downloading this map but i couldnt. Sorry. But you can still get it from my file share. GT: Stealthyhawk14 Pictures
It looks ok but some thing need to be fixed up, and try not to take pictures in forge. Overall i'll give it a 3.99/5 Edit: just copy and paste the url from bungie to forge hub it is very simple
This has insane aesthetics, but you have too many power weapons. If you just removed some power you'd have an absurdly good map.
This map looks pretty good. The vertical bridges give a pretty cool effect, and there is some good interlocking. I will say that there are way too many power weapons on this map. Sniper, Rockets, Spartan Laser, Sword, and Shotgun! I would cut it down to 2 or 3, that would help gameplay be a lot smoother and more fair and balanced. Also, there seems to be a lot of pallets and wire spools and such thrown around for no apparent reason. Overall, a nice map. 3.75/5.
thx for ur help every1, by the end of today i should have the weapons fixed. and my file share is finally showing up on i guess i will b able to add a download link
the only things that i noticed were that in the 2nd pic one of the bridges were uneven and in the 4th pic i it possible to pick up the custom powerup? other than that try to add an overview of somekind and is it really good to have so many power weapons on a map for 2-8 people?
Nice job all of thisis original except the staris being interlcoked like that but i like the layout...alot accaully.
first of all some1 asked if u can pick upo the custom powerup. no u cant but its supposed to b like that. idk if anybody tryed this map yet, but later today im gonna change the weapons(too much power weps), make the bridge part just a little more even, and one of the boxes merged into the ground(where bridges/needler are) u have to crouch to get ill fix that..and w/e else comes up. also ill have a download link for it after i fix all of the stuff.
Construction: 8.5/10 - The bridge in the picture second from the bottom sticks out kind of. Also to many power weapons on the map and not Great placement. Gameplay: 9.5/10 - I played this with some friends and we all had a fun time. I suggest you make a V2 with better weapon placement.
Pretty good map, you forged it well. My oly complaint is you stole my map name. I was going to name Burial mounds Oblivion, but I didn't want to be a preppy MLG person. SO yeah, 4/5.