Ok here is somehting to think about, Most people think vallhala is a remake of coagulation/ blood gulch but i think vallhala is a remake of the halo 1 campain level halo Heres the story i was playing halo 1 (just beat halo 2 again) so this was the first time i knew how to crouch jump while playing halo 1 and got to the top of the com tower then it hit me, it looked just like the com tower in valhalla , had the shooting up beam and same design Also other reamakes most people dont no about, Midship is remade as epitaph, look at the platform that moves around Sidewinder is remade as avalanche Also Relic is remade as sandtrap or maybe inspired, but see the albatross and towers? Some of these i mean inspired not remaking
epitaph is not freaking midship.....have you even played midship? Not only are the two NOTHING alike. One is a foreunner theme while the other is a covenant ship theme. This is the equivalent of saying butter is the same as cream cheese because they are both spread onto food by a knife. Please do not provide such immensely false information ever again.-java FYI bungie themselves have stated that avalanche is a remake of sidewinder.
You lost me at the very first sentence, I have no idea what you are trying to say. "vallhala is bungie??????" You don't make any sense. I say use spell check next time and use periods so we know what you are making a sentence out of.
to be honest, leave blood gultch and coagulation in the past games, they suck bring back something awesome like anything else ^_^ Acension, Waterworks, Lockout (not serious)
Midship is nothing like epitah, the floating was held up by a grav lift. Everyone knows sidewinder was remade into avalanche, why not just say cold storage was a remake of chill out and blackout was a remake of lockout. Sandtrap is most definatly not like relic. There are two towers, one too many to be relic.
dont you ever say **** like that about midship again to compare it to epitaph makes me want to be sick. XD
Chill you guys, he means inspired. Epitaph has a movable platform like midship. So that is how they are alike. Nothing else. Sandtrap has a giant structure down the middle and open areas around it which was what relic had. They just improved upon relic in my opinion. Although now I think, the Halo CE level Halo is Valhalla. Right after you get out of the tunnel, there is a large open area and a stream down it, and at the top there is a waterfall. So, that is probobly where they got it from.
That has nothing to do with it. Lockout is Forerunner themed and Blackout is Human themed. Chill Out is Covenant and Cold Storage is Human. That said, Epitaph ≠ Midship.
Cold storage is Forrunner not Human... As for Remakes I think Valhalla is similar but not a full remake..
he is right, he just used different words. they were all inspired.. except sandtrap. SANDTRAP WAS NOT INSPIRED BY RELIC!!!! i like both maps, but relic is the best map in the history of halos.. some of these you are correct, and others, they might have used the same concept such as the floating platform
I think all maps have small remake features of other Halo maps, most of the maps leave some noticeable signs like theming and geography of the map. Like Epitaph and MidShip, and ofcourse, Valhalla and Coagulation/Bloodgulch. I think Sandtrap leaves some signs of older maps too, I'm not sure of the name nao though.
you know, all this talk of other maps and past games, today i was checking out some of the maps featured exclusively in Halo CE PC version like Death Island, I want that remade or H2 Vista's Uplift. Why couldn't they be on the console?? -.-
cold storage is forunner and chill out is covenant. Your cunning plan has failed you. Besides like I said the epitaph and midship are nothing alike. And how did cold storage get involved in this? Were talking about midship and epitaph two maps with one thing in common a floating platform in the middle of epitaph does not constitute it as a remake.
They are not remakes at all. I doubt you own halo 2 if you really think they are. If you say "inspired by" that would still be a very long shot. There is like one thing in each of those maps that they have in common and that's it.