Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by FaTaL InJeXioN, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    Since the description for 'Halo Forge Maps' includes discussion of Forge maps, I though I'd describe my latest work in progress:

    DaNGeR PaTH

    (Story line will be released upon completion)


    Right now I've been working on my new Foundry Infection map. It will be used for Infection. Basically, the humans have only their trusty magnum. In order to get to a safer location, they must run through a twists-and-turns path, fight through obstacles, AND scavenge for weapons at the same time. Obstacles range from easy to just plain annoying, Each one a time-consumer. The longer you take, the more nerve-wracking (?) the game becomes. There are some assault rifles along the way, while most of the other "normal" weapons are easy to find, but you'll need to slow down and go get them, which decreases the distance between you and the zombie(s). There are a couple useful power weapons hidden off-route of the main destination, you'll need to think and pay close attention to reach them.


    At the end of the map is a heavy concrete door. Behind it is a barely-protected outpost with a single barely-protected turret. This will be your final destination! Unfortunately, after 3 minutes into the game, a window pane will spawn in front of it, disabling it's use. At the same time a few more weapons will be re-supplied in the outpost. The remaining humans must stay alive for 2 more minutes to win the round!

    REMEMBER, there will be a story line released upon my map's completion, so don't turn away if you think it doesn't sound interesting as of now.

    Humans are at normal settings. Zombies have a sword, 125% speed, and 50% health. NO ALPHA ZOMBIE. Game starts with 2 zombies, and they don't get released until 15 seconds into the game. *All the information in the above paragraph may change.

    Of course, you may use any settings you please, but the game type I will be releasing will work best, in my opinion.

    Interlocking will be used to make the map less messy than most others. The map will also be decorated with details that make the experience more satisfying. Overall I just wanted to make a map that was fun for both zombies and humans, unlike "Fat Kid", which many people have come to hate. No power weapons can be over-used, so that the zombies have a fairly good chance at infecting everyone before the round ends. Also, I wanted to prevent turret-camping which usually causes players to leave the party. After some testing I will see what needs to be changed. Upon finishing my map, I will of course release it (and the game type) on ForgeHub. What do you guys think? Please ONLY give comments on suggestions and or changes I should make in the game type.

    Estimated Percentage of Completion: 92%

    Weapons/Equipment placed on the map so far:
    1 Covenant Carbine
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 Flamethrower
    3 Battle Rifles
    1 Needler
    2 Spikers
    2 Machine Gun Turrets
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Brute Shots
    1 Shotgun
    1 Fuel Rod Cannon
    1 Frag Grenade
    3 Plasma Grenades
    1 Spike Grenade
    1 Radar Jammer
    1 Overshield
    1 Active Camo

    (Humans spawn with 1 Magnum, in order to encourage them to look for weapons)


    *UPDATE 8/18/08: I will soon release screenshots of the parts of the map that I have finished so far. This should save some time.

    *UPDATE 8/19/08: I've decided I should lay a couple assault rifles on the main path of the map. They will be in plain sight if you follow the course of the map.



    Just send me, FaTaL InJeXion (or fatal injexion), a friend request and send me a msg with the words "beta inv?" and I'll invite you if I'd like to do a beta match.​

    If I do a beta match we will do several things: First, we'll play the match regularly. Then in the second round, everyone needs to try to cheat, meaning: camp, get out of the map, etc.
    This way I'll find out if there are any flaws with my map.
    Then in the third round we will do a lightning round where the humans skip all weapons and just rush to the end, to see if the time limit is too long.


    Btw... what should the game type be named? I was thinking "Rendevous" (is that how you spell it?) because it goes with the story line, but that's another story (pun intended).​
    #1 FaTaL InJeXioN, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    finally a journey style map fun for either side

    if you hold any beta games/test runs invite me.

    i added you earlier and i'm completely looking foward to seeing the finished product ^_^
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    this post is not up to FH standards...you have to have at least one pic embedded.....this should be in halo discussion
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Isn't this clasified as advertising which is against the forum rules. I think this would be more appropriate in the map testing section. The forge map section is for POSTING maps not advertising and or disscussing them.
  5. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i am just curious about zombie traits because their speed and the length of time it takes to get past obstacles will make or break this map
  6. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    If that's the case, so be it, a mod can move it. I'm not too familiar with the rules here...

    The obstacles will not take any longer than 1 to 5 seconds. Also, the zombies are held in their room for 15 seconds... once you see the finished progress you will see the mechanism that holds them back. So that gives enough time for the humans to get to the end, if they work smart and quickly. But if they stop to scavenge for weapons they might or might not make it...

    Oh and maybe I'll show you the first couple pics, but just of what I've finished building. Tomorrow maybe.
  7. MetalDog84

    MetalDog84 Ancient
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    Please tell me if you need any testers, i would LOVE to help.
  8. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Sabre who??

    Sounds like my map, and Brno32 map, and RisingRemains map, and whoever else has made a journey map with obstacles to "slow down the humans." Good luck.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Wait, I was looking at your party details, and im a little Lost. I thought i saw you playing a map that had a name like a journey but was not any thing iv seen b4. Could it have been the map you were making?!

    I would love too play it if it is.
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    hmm, sounds like omega tryant would work well here... but this better not have brute shots or hammers,
  11. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    Well I'd assume that most "Journey" maps have the Barriers obstacle right? That gets tough to beat without a hammer or brute shot. Are you saying you'd rather not have that in the game because it's annoying, or because players would be able to get out of the map? This time around I'll block off the map as well as possible.

    Yes it will be like a Journey map. I haven't played Omega Journey or Sabre's Journey yet... I uploaded yours to my file share but I still have to clear some files. Would you mind if I looked to see what's possible?


    When I finish, I'll hold some beta tests on my map. I'll announce it here on ForgeHub.
  12. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    you have posted this in the wrong section, this belongs in Map testing. I suggest contacting a mod so they can change it for you.
  13. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    No, I wasn't playing any kind of journey map, and mine isn't even half finished yet. Reminder: I'll release screenshots some time soon!

    I am not posting this thread for Map Testing. The repliers to this thread said they wanted to help me test it, but here I'm just talking about my map that will be released soon. Other posters also said that this should be moved to the Halo Forge Discussion, but a mod has yet to move it.


    Ok about... 20% done (just woke up like 30 min ago). Let me tell you the weapons that I have put/hidden in the map so far:​

    (Spawns with Magnum)*
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Covenant Carbine
    1 Flamethrower**
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 Battle Rifles​

    *This is to encourage the humans to look for weapons

    **The Flamethrower is what I plan to be the easiest weapon to find... but the secret is: IT'S THE HARDEST WEAPON TO GET TO! It's almost as if it was put there to tease you and waste your time.​
    #13 FaTaL InJeXioN, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2008
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    This should be moved. It isnt a map... yet. When its finished, by all means this is where you'd put it but for now this thread belongs in forge discussion.

    On a side note: Please don't double post.
  15. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Well I can't really stop you can I lol I don't really care, Its not like other people havent d/l it and called it their own lol, I know thats not what youre gonna do Im just saying, Its a map on the internet on a videogame that hundrends of thousands of people play, I can't control what goes on with my map lol

    And BTW I should get in on the beta testing action, since I think Im an infection and journey map connoisseur. Hopefully I can get in on the action...
    #15 SABRE88, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  16. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    Ok sure thing. But a mod hasn't come to move it yet, which is weird.

    @SABRE88: Yea of course I won't COPY your map! If I do use any of your ideas, I'll try to make it as different as possible, no worries. And if my map does look a little like yours (which it SHOULDN'T, considering I haven't even SEEN your map yet), I'll be sure to credit you.
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