want to see the Most Hard to reach areas on the campaign? my team of MGC SRGT Zack, Blackmagic105, and me, Gman9091 will show you the most awsome places you can get in campaign, to be a client, just fill out this form: Gamertag: Mission you wish to explore: KIn d of exploration, (shortcuts, secret rooms, trigates ETC) we know lots of secrets to find secrets
Gamertag: philthyphillup Mission you wish to explore:any Kind of exploration: shortcuts, secret rooms, and areas. i wont be able to get on for about 3-4 day tho.
well, theres a Trigate on the ark, and a few other secrets their, a shortcut on the covenenat (told u) and more on other levels, magic knows the most tho oh and plaesesend me a friend request, i cant remember GTs somtimes update/bump: blackmagic has reported another secret skull not marked on campaigns list
T Highway GT:SoundDesperado Place To Explore:T Highway Kind Of Exploration:shortcuts, secret rooms, trigates, out of maps, ETC I know 1 thing but I need someone to do it with and also I wanna know more if there is
I'm not gonna join, but my friend showed me the covenant one. Here's somthing cool you can do there. The cave where your supposed to go to go to when you want to finish. It's an out of map color glitch, and your trapped in the cave.
Cool man, I know the most of em', for instance, the Sierra 117, where the staiway to heaven is. Or the one on the Covenant, I know that one too, .
Gamertag: SneakyBlumpkin Mission you wish to explore:any Kind of exploration: shortcuts, secret rooms, and areas.