my entry: took me like an hour...i was watching tv, watching pronz...JK GUYS.....and having just plain old fun with like legos ( i know seriously am i like 5 or something???) haha w/e guys! some good sigs this week, and i cant wait for the voting to start....i got 1 vote for my other SOTW entry, a couple weeks back:
Whisper's Entry: PHP: [IMG][/IMG] Eh, it's not bad I guess. Looks better on a black background.
Can we edit the stock? EG Desaturate some areas? And Gun, nice, though I saw the comments on PR. "Fill up the space..." I like it.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what did gun do? All I see changed is the little bit around the fist and that it got blurred.
The eyes look evil, also I see some clipping masks? It's true that it hasn't been changed much, but still, I like it. xD
The first one is better, the second looks messy like someone's came and scratched the paint off the work of art that is the first one.
ok here we are, you may notice i changed it, the other one was rushed and heres a better version, enjoy
Yeah, Gun's isn't bad it's just really empty. Plus, all :I think he did was a little bit of smudging, a splatter on the hand or whatever, and then he added some text. Now, there is nothing wrong with that, but on this type of signature the type of smudging he used isn't good because it leaves it too smooth and therefore it looks very empty.