I thought of this a while ago, and im sure someone has as well, but if there is a record or isnt how bout setting the worlds longest Halo 3 custom game basically the game is set something on a great map that everyone loves and a gametype no one gets tired of either, party stays open and theres at least two people in the game at any point through out the game i think the whole forgehub/bungie community would dig this, even though theres only 16 players per game it should constantly be filled i want to see this now..
well i would do it but you would have to do fiesta slayer on last resort they should make it into a playlist, like something like 2 hour brawl
you say two hour but i mean like record breaker ,, im thinkin a week long game or somethin >.< idk mabie a day, its totally possible to keep it alive and yea fiesta would be great on LR or a good foundry creation this would be good cause it would be filled and when people get bored they can leave and come back later, just makin sure while everyones nappin theres at least two guys fighting to the death still and when you leave your names still immortalized so everyone who took part til end could be a part of history
I know i mean they could make a think like that type of thing but shorter so pepl wouldnt quit all th time
lol true, either way i just want to see a very long game, and you know what im all for it if anyone else reads this thread and wants to do this reply with you GT signed, with 25 names backing this ill start it when ever it gets filled, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
av3ryb i just mean that would be a good idea but besides the point that could inspire a playlist for a long slayer game but like i get wot u mean by world record i d rather not do it though but it is a great idea
Oooh Ooh! Picke HomerSPC! He wants to imortalized... Oh, and for me. The record was 4 Hours and 8 minutes... We ran around a maze but killed each other, and then tried the maze, rinse and spit.
A gameype and map that is surprisingly fun, no matter the amount of people is FFA Snipers on a Foundry Canvas. I had like 10 people playing at one point, it is a blast.
Would it still count if people left the game, but some people stayed, and then the next day some people joined the game and the others left? If so, it would be usefull to have people around the globe
il def do this when i get my 360 back, as long as its FFA Slayer il play for hours. a good idea is to have... Time : unlimated starting weapon : BR secondary : Random and everything else default, only problem is you need a very good map.
I'll join! This sounds awesome. Will we put it on the Bungie community news if it happens? GT: ARustySpoon117
I've done something like this. It was a 24 hour game on lockout in halo 2 and at the end of it, I was bored as ****. ALthough, we just did BR start. The kills were up there though. but we would take breaks and super jump. Fiesta might work.
just what ever the starting weapons are never have them both set to random, theres nothing more annoying than spawning with an plasma rifle and P shooter on foundry canvas. i think it should be BR start and a random for secondary so you have a BR to fall back on incase the random weapon is useless.
Is there an official record? If there isn't, I have an idea, but I'd have to talk it over with my staff first.