=== Description === Recent discoveries regarding Covenant technology has produced interesting results. === Players === 4-8 About the map: Final Defense is actually a reimagination of Halo 2's Ivory Tower. It's not a complete remake by any means but elements from Ivory Tower are easily present in this map as you see in the picture below. The map however plays completely different from it's predecessor and there are more routes to get to certain areas of the map. Slayer plays great as always but IMO it is 1 Flag CTF (fast settings) that shines here. With several open and confined spaces throughout the map, Final Defense caters to the competitive player while being casual friendly as well. If you're a spray and pray dual wielder you'll find plenty of dual wieldable weapons scattered throughout the map. Like shoving a rocket down your friend's throat? This map has it. Those who are skilled with the rifles will be successful here as BR/MLG games have a tendency to be insane and fun as usual. Offensive/Defensive objective games are given a little twist as a two way teleporter system that takes them from the rocket side to the shotgun side (or vice versa) is put in for those gametypes only, giving attacking teams another route to their objective. Final Defense works great for most gametypes. Although I wouldn't recommend the crappy gametypes like VIP or Juggernaut. Infection will play decent here but this map wasn't designed for infection in mind. You might be better off playing a map that caters to that gametype. === Pictures === === Recommended Gametypes === - Slayer (4-8 players) - Team Slayer (3v3 or 4v4) - 2v2 Slayer - 1 Flag CTF - One Bomb - Territories === Weapon Set === [0] = How many on map <0> = How many spare clips 120 seconds - Sniper Rifle [2], <1> - Rocket Launcher [1], <1> - Shotgun [1], <1> - Overshield [1] 90 seconds - Brute Shot [2], <1> - Regenerator [1] - Bubble Shield [1] - Power Drain [1] 60 seconds - Assault Rifle [2], <2> - Battle Rifle [5], <2> - Carbine [5], <2> - Needler [2], <2> - Grav Lift [1] 45 seconds - SMG [4], <2> - Spiker [2], <2> - Magnum [2], <2> - Plasma Pistol [2] - Plasma Rifle [4] - Mauler [1], <0> 20 seconds Frag Grenade [5] Plasma Grenade [4] Spike Grenade [4] === Linkage === ---->> Download Final Defense here <<---- Rate and comment. =) - Tim
nice job using re imagination of ivory tower. cuz people would flame this saying "thats not a remake" but ur map looks really well done. i do c the resemblance in ivory tower in the first one. but i couldn't make it out in the others cuz... its foundry. and foundry is very limited. but wut u did with ur limited arsenal of tools is very impressive and it looks professional. and unlike a lot of maps that r first posted, its up to standards
Looks good, although it is impossible to remake this level you seem to have made a good inspiration map
I defy somebody to remake Ivory Tower, hear me? I defy somebody to remake Ivory Tower. Aside from just realizing how awesome that would be, this map looks pretty well done. Ascetically pleasing and with an aire of vibrance you don't often see. Love the idea of reimagining it and basing it on Objective type games. 4.5/5.
Darn you Jsten and your big words! Anyway, this map looks really fun. Although I'm not a fan of shield doors it does look like Ivory Tower a little bit. 4/5
You making this could benifate everybody since Ivory Tower was one of the best maps in Halo 2 (one of my personal favorates too) it looks like this was well made. I see great interlocking, geoglitching and structures that do represent Ivory Tower. Great job! I am sure Iv0ry Snak3 will love this! I will download and playu on it later
nice map. really imaginative and i lke the style of play. by 4-8 players do you mean on a team or all together because i played with 3 on 3 and it was great!
although I really don't see resemblence but in a few places I like how it looks and that you used the bases in the back... Overall 3.5/5
I wanted to make a map that used the whole map and not just wall off the back bases. Now granted there is some awesome maps out there that use the big room or half of the map, but I really don't see many people using the whole map. It's like what JASONYO said, Foundry only has so many resources available and making this type of map can be challenging. After completing this map, I believe that I met that challenge and then some.
I appreciate all your guy's comments so far. This feedback will assist me if I ever decide to create another foundry map.