In times of turmoil, when a pelican is not enough they rely on the UNSC tortoise. It is a fully armored combat vehicle that flies with ease, resembling a tortoise in water. Using special quantum enhancer engines it can reach speeds of approximately 50 f.p.s. Armed with 4 machine gun turrets, an arsenal of rockets, and a steady stream of spartan laser blasts the tortoise may be the ultimate weapon developed in the united nations space corporation. As powerful as it may be it is still highly experimental, and there is only one of them as of now. It is the prototype of the tortoise, called tortoise type is also equipped with gravitational stabilizers so that while in flight, spartans may stand on the exterior of the vessel without the opportunity of being swept off by high speeds. along with quantum enhancer engines it also posesses 4 anti-gravitational thrusters on the blade wings. Exterior NorthWest side Exterior NorthEast side Exterior East side Exterior West side Draw Ladder This draw ladders spawns after 60 seconds for access into the central storage/cockpit area Quantum Engines Ahhh yes much better Central Cell Spartan Laser Example Rocket example Frontal Turrets New Propane Nepalms!!! Simply hit the rear of the propane tank... And watch it spiral off in a nepalm like fashion!!! Map Variant-> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks good! The interlocking seems clean and It looks like an awesome maps. I also like the example pics.
Pretty neat, I like the way you used the explosives. And the Tortoises mouth is a cool idea too. Keep up the cool inventions! 4/5, make a second base opposite to the tortoise and give it some cover. So that way, you can have infection/ team slayer.
Now that wasn't very nice. This ship probably isn't made for looks anyway. By the way, how is this a v2? I don't see any differences besides the wing design and the propane tanks.
well there were 3 major revisions, 1. the propane tanks, 2. The wings, and 3. making the rear more symmetrical
when i first looked at it i didnt know wat it was but then i read the words (which is something i never do) i discovered the awsomeness that was the t-o-r-t-o-i-s-e
nice you fixed the areas that i saw that wernt very neat. its cool how u made a v2 of it but i think you shouldve added more to make it really a v2