MLG NIGHTMARE MLG Nightmare is my first attempt at an MLG format map, and it is a small-ish arena type map, with 2 levels (more or less). It is an asymmetric design, and has a very fast paced gameplay. Supported Gametypes Slayer Team Slayer Capture the Flag Oddball Assault King of the Hill Weapons On Map *NOTE* off the top of my head, BR's and Carbines may be different, can't remember, Weapon Placement is thanks to Iced, along with respawns. 4x BR 2x Carbine 1x Mauler 2x Stickies 4x Frags Screenshots Defenders Attackers Bridge Catwalk 1 Catwalk 2 Defenders Backwall Attackers Backwall Action Shots *Thanks to all that helped playtest* Carbinage Death From Above Gravlift Doom Catwalk Pwnage Duel of Fates Gravlift Escape Backwall Beatdown I hope you all enjoy the map, I know most people liked it. One person said he liked it better than MLG Onslaught...hopefully he's not just a tool lol. There may be a few minor issues with spawn points for capture the flag, so if anyone notices anything that seriously affects gameplay, feel free to let me know. xXdrewbaccaXx
Very Nice, 4/5! Interlocking could be better, but I like the style and structure of the map. Goodjob.
Lots of the places where the interlocking isn't as smooth as it should be is because they were done towards the end of the map. Like where it is walled off. I had originally intended to keep it unwalled, but a few friends suggested it would be better walled. So I just put up a wall so no one could get out lol. Thanks though. Hope you like it. It's really fast paced. *edit* Also, the stairs at the attackers base are supposed to be that way. I only wanted those stairs to smoothly reach the walkways of the catwalks.(interlocked walls) *EDIT* no one has anything to say?
This is really neat. I've always loved small MLG layouts on Foundry. The geo merging and interlocking is nearly flawless. One thing I would suggest however, is to flip over all of your double boxes. It makes things smoother and will look a lot cleaner. Overall, great looking map.
Oh I know they look "cleaner" upside down, I wanted the rounded sides up for the catwalks. Gives it a more industrial look. Thanks for the kind words though. And keep downloading guys lol
I noticed that the second catwalk is off a little and there are some bumps in your box merges and well I guess thats it....good map 3.5/5
Yeah the walkway for catwalk 2 is slightly narrower, I realized that after I had uploaded and posted the map. If I make a V2 I will have that nicer. If the bumps you are talking about are at the attackers base, I realize they are there, it's because the boxes closest to the double box are sideways and the others are not. Once again, thanks guys.
This is a very unique MLG map, good job, I'll D/L for sure. 4/5. I think a 4v4 would be too crazy. 2v2 or maybe a 3v3 would be set and good though.
4v4 is actually pretty fun. It usually ends up being 2v2 on both catwalks anyways...but it works really well for TS, and Oddball. Those would be the gametypes I'd recommend. MLG TS and MLG Ball.
Why didn't more people post for this map? It's awsome. Some places could be a little smoother but it's great. 4/5
From the pictures, it looks like a pretty fun layout. Though I'm not sure MLG really goes for asymmetric layouts, this does look like a pretty great arena map. A couple of interlocks could use a little improvement, and it would look cleaner with the double boxes flipped, but aside from those little nitpicks I must say I'm digging the layout. I have it queued, and if I get a test session in I'll hit you up with some feedback!
this map wasnt thought out very well, because once you control the catwalks you own the map and its impossible for the other team to do anything
i love how this map can be used for almost any kind of game. the construction is very impressive, and the gameplay is awsome!!!dl 5/5
Now now, you just need to play the map more and learn the strategies. There's plenty of ways to take control of the catwalks. Thanks, I appreciate the kinds words. Have you tried MLG Ball on the map? Plays really well. And it's very hard.