Biomass Description: Biomass is a well-balanced, fun map to play on. It works great for MLG, along with standard gameplay. It is partly open on side, and more enclosed on another. It is partly symmetrical as well, below is a photo of the layout. Biomass Layout Weapons: Like I said earlier, the map is well balanced. The map consists of four weapons/vehicles you want to control, the Rocket Launcher, the Sniper Riffle, the Shotgun, and the Ghost. The Rocket launcher is located below in the middle, and the sniper is located where both staircases meet. The shotgun is located in the top left corner, and the ghost in the top right. Below is a list of the weapons, equipment, and vehicles. Grenade x2 Plasma Grenade x6 Rocket Launcher x1 Sniper Riffle x1 Shotgun x1 Spiker x2 SMG x2 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Brute Shot x1 Assault Riffle x2 Battle Riffle x2 Bubble Shield x1 Mongoose x2 Ghost x1 Photos of Map: Gameplay Photos: Download!
You mean like you just did? Looks like a decent map. However, the ground floor where the Mongoose spawns is devoid of cover. You might want to add a barrier or something...
Trust me, I tested the hell out of this. That area is meant to be open. It works great. No I did not geomerge, sorry.
Don't just try and find problems with his topic/map. First it needs more interlocking, but he has it and you can tell if you look properly. Then its don't double post which you did. Then because he shows that your wrong you try and find another problem by asking if theres geomerging or not. Let me put this simply. A map without geomerging is not necessarily a bad map. Nor is a map with geomerging necessarily a good one. The map looks pretty good, but the Forge creator thing at the start is confusing as hell. Also, in my experience MLG players seem to dislike maps with mongooses, or will at least avoid using a mongoose. Thats just my experience though.
Couldn't have said it better. I've had at least 5 pro forgers play this and love it, and guess what? No geomerging.
Isn't this the second map you've double posted? You're such an evil baby animal hater. Anyway, don't criticize him for not geo-merging. Hell, I'm too lazy to go to forging 101....until now. Anyway, nice map. It has some good interlocking, and gameplay looks sweet. 4/5
Nope, first time, and I hate how you get flamed even though it was a accident, then your front page looks like crap. I wasn't lazy, this took me forever, biomerging just wasn't needed.
Heh, sorry. I'm cranky because I can't get any sleep and my profile page crashes me. If I hurt your feelings, you can have a cookie. (sorry, I ate the cookie, but you can have the post-it note that was on the bottom of the cookie)
Don Worry Guyz, Iz Gon B k. The gameplay is alot better than the look of the map, I mean it still looks amazing without geo-merging and all that...
I did noticed you merged most of your boxes together to prevent bumps, I liked that. I however even though its suposed to be that way the mongoose spot I just don't like, but thats partially cause I don't use vehicles on foundry. Overall 3/5
If you check his map out carefully there is interlocking. Dont look for negative things try to say something positive about peoples maps I like the map, looks like you used foundry designer, good job
The mongooses are rarely used, and are only used to get around. The gameplay on the map is amazing, it is hard to explain.
I played this map with Gamer and It was so much fun! 5/5, don't have to download because I added it to my library after I played it.
Nice interlocking, the base idea, and if you did geo merging, I wouldn't be suprised if it was amazing also. Looks great for 1- bomb, 1 - flag, FFA, and infection. Hopefully they'll play out as good as I'm expecting they will. Honestly, 5/5 D/Led.