Cliffside Crib

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Giantpanda, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    Cliffside Crib
    By GenuineMuffins (Giantpanda on Forgehub)

    Suggested Players: 2-10

    Gametype: Moszombies ( a must have)

    Story: A group of religious radicals believe that in order to be pure, they must release a virus onto the world. The infection was released approximately 2 days ago, and up until now your house has held up without difficulties from the zombies.
    However during the night all of the military who used to patrol the streets have disappeared. You look out the window and a truck with a huge cargo box screeches to a halt and zombies pour out onto the street and are rapidly approaching your house, prepare for an intense fight.

    A few people have asked for a version 2, if you want me to make one, at least tell me what i should change.

    General Description: The goal of creating this map was to infuence other mapmakers such as yourselves to cease creating those clones of "I Am Legend" and "Bart's Manor". By no means am i saying that they are bad maps, as a matter of fact i used to thoroughly enjoy playing them, but since they cam out so many people have created 2/3 storey houses with nothing original, and i hope this map will persuade you to rethink how to make an infection house.

    This map is different in many ways, you probably would have noticed that if you looked at the pictures, but thats not all. All humans start off with -5% shield decay, and if they want to stop that decay, they need to go to sleep (custom powerup of 2 beds). There are only 2 beds in the house, the Master Bedroom, where the custom powerup respawns every 30 seconds (top floor), and Jimmy's Room, where the custom powerup respawns every 45 seconds (bottom floor). You cannot actually die if you don't sleep, but you do lose all your shield which can be very hazardous to your health. Another insentive for you to pick up the custom powerups (sleep), is that if you don't pick them up, then the zombies can. This is a severe disadvantage to you and your team because the zombies' shield is reinforced (it recharges MUCH faster).

    Also, it may interest you to know that the sniper is sitting on top of a bunch of wire spools, and if the zombie/s choose to topple over those wire spools the sniper will fall down into the front courtyard, so i wouldn't recommend sniping from on top of the wire spools.

    All of the zombies are originally spawned at the hallway at the back of foundry. There is a teleporter to the 'Zombie Truck' at the end of the hallway. However there is a dumpster in the way of the teleporter and you will have to wait 45 seconds in order for you to enter the 'real level'.

    For all the people out there who saw my old map and thought it was crap don't be prejudiced, download this map regardless because since then my forging skills and creativity has increased alot.

    Map Design: In the 15+ hours i spent creating and perfecting this map, i used geomerging and interlocking to enhance the aesthetic features and gameplay. Everything has been interlocked almost seamlessly so you dont have to worry about being snagged of the floor or wall. You CANNOT GET OUT OF THIS MAP, so don't worry posting about it.

    You also have no need to worry about spawn killing, i have addressed this in one of my posts but just so i don't need to say it again, the zombies only once come out of the teleporter in the truck, and after that they spawn in all 4 corners of the street, and 2 of those corners are behind shield doors, so dont worry about it.

    Here is a list of the wepons for the humans' disposal: (note: may not be 100% accurate) All humans start with an Assault Rifle and a Magnum.


    The abandoned street, or is it?

    Overview of the Crib

    The stairs/ramp up to front door

    Second pair of stairs leading to front door along with outside view of the TV Room

    Foyer pic #1

    Storage Room
    See 'Action Pictures'

    Inside TV Room

    Jimmy's Room (equipped with a bunk bed)

    Foyer stairs leading to top floor

    Living room

    Master bed/bedroom

    Zombie Truck
    Action Pictures:

    Come on in Mr. Zombie

    Honey i'm home... ah crap

    Jimmy's future isn't looking so bright anymore...

    The previously unseen storage room

    A blowing up storage room

    Leap of faith

    The tank!!!

    Did i mention it isn't heavily armoured...

    Warthog Jump

    Hopefully by now you have downloaded this map, but if you haven't do it now.

    And i apologise for wasting your internet usage with all the pics :)
    #1 Giantpanda, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
    Obibital and monkeyrantz like this.
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I can see the building is well built and same as most of the map areas but why did you name it clff side crib theres no cliff? lolol Its a nice urban zombie level though.
  3. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    Well it is loosely based on my old house, which was practically on a cliff (or a steep hill). But i'm not going to call it "Steep Hillside Crib". It sounds much better with the alliteration.
  4. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Very nicely done, 4/5. Looks fun and creative.
    The only thing that I don't approve of is some of the weapon/equipment placement. Possibly V2???
  5. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    May i ask what is wrong with the weapon/equipment placement?
  6. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    this is a download for me.
    great map, this really impressed me.
    pictures 2 4 5 7 8 12 17 18 and 20 were amazing.
  7. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I like the map, and it seems well made, but it does not appear very different from maps like "Bart's Manor" and "I am Legend". What exactly sets apart this map from the aforementioned? Correct me if I am mistaken, but this map looks like a "2/3 storey houses ", albeit original in parts, but how original can a house infection map get?

    PS: The one problem I see is the teleporter entrance for the zombies. Alot of jerks like to camp. And I don't mean s'mores.
  8. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    This map looks absolutely nothing like Bart's Manor or I Am Legend. And yes, most houses have 2/3 storeys. You could have a $10 million dollar house with 2 storeys, or you can have a 2 storey slum, they are completely different but with the same amount of floors.

    The zombies only come out through the teleporter at the very start. Once they die they respawn in the 2 single boxes either side of the house behind shield doors or in the opposite corners, so you don't need to worry about camping.
  9. Cleaverkurd

    Cleaverkurd Ancient
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    its looks good 4/5
  10. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    i really like it. it's good! 8/10
    im not just saying this either. i am a very difficult person to please in forge, even more so in infection maps. you are someone to watch.
    forge on.
    #10 Zendarrun, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  11. Hamstring07

    Hamstring07 Ancient
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    Good idea and good geo merging, a v2 would be nice but still this map is alright. A DL for sure! 4.5/5
  12. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    Okay i have decided to make one last map. The basic idea (trying not to ruin it so you don't steal my idea) is to get from one side to the other. SHould i do my map on Foundry or on half of Avalanche?
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow your map is very well-made. The 15 hours you spent really paid off. The front of the house is very unique. My suggestion is that make the house more big so that there is more free-roaming and put more cover in the streets. But don't get me wrong, I really like your map.

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