DOWNLOAD VIBE Vibe is a symmetrical map on Foundry that makes for great small team games. The starting spawns are opposite of each other and give you the option to go right into the map's sole building where the power weapons are, or move the left down the alley where the BR fights usually take place, or up over the wall. The angled ceiling and diagonal walls keep things interesting. WORKING GAMETYPES: Slayer or Team Slayer Oddball or Team Oddball 2-Flag Neutral Assault All gametypes will work with 16 people, but that's a bad idea. This map is cramped with 6 people (FFA or Team games) and was constructed with 2v2 in mind. During testing 1v1 slayer and 3-Man FFA also proved to be favorites. The rectangular maps gives call-outs for each side, using Red, Blue, "A", and "B". WEAPONS/GRENADES: AR [x2] 30 second respawn time, 2 spare clips BR [x2] 30 second respawn time, 2 spare clips Carbine [x2] 30 second respawn time, 2 spare clips Mauler [x1] 150 sec respawn time, 1 spare clip Beam Rifle [x1] 150 respawn time Spike Grenades [x4] 30 respawn time Frag Grenades [x2] 30 respawn time The grenades aren't paired, and all weapons are placed symmetrically. Notice how the beam rifle and mauler (the two power weapons) each have 10 shots and 150 second respawn times. SCREENIES ^^: Overview: "A" Side : "B" Side : Starting Spawn: ACTION! I tried using MSPaint to create the lay-out diagram but most of the maps cover/features are vertical so it didn't really work. : ( ^^^DL LINK AT TOP^^^ PLEASE DL, COMMENT, RATE!!!! kthxbye
Omigawd the next person that says "Moar intralox pl0x" I'm going to sh** on. The map looks really good and there is already of interlocking in plain sight. It looks like a great Asymmetrical map.
The map looks very well made and clean. The geomerging is good. The only thing is it looks like theres no cover on the bottom floor.
its a pretty cool looking map, okay layout, its a little open, and if people say more interlocking, state where. If I were you I would interlock the outer walls, because aesthenics will get you just as many downloads as gameplay. As for getting s review, if your really lucky review hub will test this, thats the only grading facility i know of.
Good symmetrical map, You should show more screen shots of the side passageways. Is the only way to the other side of the map through the center, if so, I'm not quite understanding how the map would work for spawns on CTF / Bomb. I hope you used priority spawns. Nice geometry merging and interlocking. 3/5.
looks alright I do see merging but some of them like the double wall in the first picture are messy other than that great map... 3.5/5
Thx to all who commented. Yeah, I 'm thinking for a v2 I'll delete the windowpanels and add some kind of curved structure for more cover/excitement. I'll also interlock the doulble box wall or make a sort of cyclopean wall. Sound good?