LINK IS DOWN, FIXING THE MAP UP, SOME STUFF ISN'T SPAWNED. Aye bros, this is my new map Bad Posture. I named it this because i wanted to stay away from the box'y feel of maps, and i wanted to make something a little unique. Its not a circle, or a square, closest thing i can dicribe it as is a bumpy crescent. Everything is precision interlocked, And on this map i tried to work on aesthenics more. The map works for the gametypes, Slayer (2v2 or 4v4) King of the hill, one flag capture the flag, And FFA. Weapons set- 2 BR's 2 Carbines 2 SMG's 2 Plasma rifles 1 Sniper rifle. 1 Power drain 8 Sticky's 4 Frags Pictures This picture is The only hill of the map leading up to the flag cap spot, This is a view from the top of the hill, across is the plasma rifle spawn. This is a view from the plasma rifle spawn, The interlocked bridges lead up to two more platforms. This is one platform the birdges lead up too, The double box standing up holds the sniper rifle. this is the other platform, this holds the SMG's This is just one more view of the hill Thats it for screenies. Constructive criticism will be happily accepted, Any recomendations would help. Thanks to Scopulus for revising/testing Also, do you think you could rate it on on the DL page? Link : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Review up soon=)
Booty-licious!!! well done map for sure. I like all the stuff under the interlocked bridges. No camping there.
Looks really good! Gameplay runs well and aesthetics are very nice! Great job with this and can't wait to see more from you in the future!
wow this is a beautiful map.(just cause i said beautiful doesnt mean i'm gay lol) everything is nicely interlocked. see these are the kinds of maps that i like to dl, the ones that are isolated, nicely interlocked and when you play on them you feel like your not even in foundry. good job
surei can check it out. :-D ive seen this map in here yesterday but just wasntin the commenting mood but now that you reminded me ill give you a quick review. the layout looks crazy and thats the first thing i noticed good job on the originality of that. it also looks very cean. good job. ill see about getting a game started on here andtell you how it all runs.
thanks blaze, the respawns are kinda screwed up though, i might make a v2 just to fix that, and maybe throw in some more aestthenics, one wall looks plain, idk. maybe i could grab help with that?
very good geomerging and interlocking makes th map look very professional maybe you can put in some more cover though.
Ah why didn't you tell me you posted this! haha yea this is a great map. It's constrctuion is flawless and the durability is excellent. I wish you woulda told me u post this D:
nice map really good and small must be great gameplay, great job ill dl and play with my friends asap
Looks very sweet, the only problem is that the center box in the last photo looks sloppily geomerged. But that's Okay. Anyways, a 4.9/ 5 for you my friend.
This looks very creative, I love how you made such a good use of the Bridges and boxes and placed them so well and Interlocking, amazing. The layout seems good to me, everything seems really flawless.
thanks, your right about the box being kind of sloppily geomerged, I'm just getting good at it now. The layout seems okay for me, i just liked the idea of a completely circular map, I personally dislike corners asnd the yucky boxy feely maps. Thanks for the feedback, but does anyone think they could find something to improve on, i know its not hard, I just like contsructuve criticism.