What type of Poster are you?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RadiantRain, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This thread is dedicated to all the members of Forgehub and all the different type of posts and comments left behind. I decided to make a thread on the matter and find out what type of poster you are.

    There is a big reason why this is in General Chat and not in Off Topics, I don’t want spam, or silly responses. This is my first serious poll and it does have to be treated as such.

    I also would prefer if you don’t lie, there is no proof that you make these posts (Although they can check your posts) but there is also no proof that you will continue to make these posts. Be truthful I’m sure the moderators won’t infract you (unless they catch you actually posting these posts)

    So now... there are options. What type of poster are you?

    Post Name: Quick Replier
    Description: A poster who gives out a one sentence review. These posters are common within the lower ranks and tend to slimmer down as the ranks go up and are normally called the post boosters.
    Rank: Very High
    Example: This is a good map I have to check it out, could use interlocking here and there. 4/5

    Post name: Positive negative reply.
    Description: A poster who says the map or a certain part is good, and complains right after the compliment. Tends to be a short reply and generally from the population with low rep.
    Rank: High
    Example: This map is really good, the interlocking is priceless. Could use some work though, because interlocking is good, but a bit sloppy.

    Post name: Kiss-up Post
    Description: A poster who only compliments on the map whether it’s good or not. This can be found within the lower ranks and tends to be short regardless.
    Rank: High
    Example: Wow, this map is good, great interlocking. The people who say is bad have no clue what they are talking about. 5/5 Great map I’m downloading.

    Post name: Spam Post
    Description: Obvious signs of spam can be found in this post. These posts tend to have an infraction sign at the lower right corner, very short with very little helpful advice or comments.
    Rank: Average
    Example: Great post, the map is good. Downloaded 5/5.

    Post name: Complainer Post
    Description: A post varying in size, it tends to be short regardless and lists all the negatives about the map without suggestions. Tends to be slightly rare, and varies on the member’s skill.
    Rank: Low
    Example: This map needs interlocking, it looks dull. I am not downloading because it is too common so yea… 2/5

    Post name: 2-4 Paragraph post
    Description: Generally the most helpful of posts, listing all visual and sometimes game play problem followed by suggestions. These posts are not common and tend to be written and posted by high ranking members.
    Rank: Low
    Example: Well, not to shabby, but there are flaws. But don't worry I will give you a 2-4 paragraph review. So where to start, I guess I'll start with the problems. First of all is the sloppy and irregular interlocking, I see some parts interlocked over there and some parts interlocked over here, and then I see no interlocking. It's a mess to tell what is interlocked, and then when I do see something interlocked it does not look perfect, I'm not saying it has to be 100% perfect, but not angled off by 5 degrees.

    Your next problem is the weapons, where exactly are the weapons I see very few scattered around on the pictures, it does not look like there are that many weapons. I did notice the Battle Rifle on the other hand, and I ask you why. The map does not look like it requires battle rifles. The range is close which equals assault rifles.

    Now those are the bad parts, now for some good news. I have to say that the thread is superb, it's a good one-two minute read. and each picture has a small description. You added recommendations for game types and that is pretty pro.

    While the map may lack proper interlocking it does look competitive, show me more pictures of weapons, from what I saw a simple weapon change would make this competitive.

    Overall I give it a 3/5 for a good thread, and a not to shabby map. I lower two points for the lack of interlocking and bad weapon placement.

    Post Name: Small Review
    Description: Under normal circumstances these tend to help the thread owner, these are somewhat difficult to find but tend to give a decent review.
    Rank: Medium
    Example: The overall design of the map is flawed, you need to adjust your weapon placement. I would recommend moving the battle rifle and replacing the Shotgun. Interlocking could use some help as well. Get these factors right and you got a good map.

    Post Name: 10/10 Post
    Description: These posts are helpful and very organized, the thread owner can see the problems with his map at a simple glance, these posts are rare and often tend to be helpful pointing out both Cons and Pros
    Rank: Low
    Example: Originality: 7/10
    Puzzles have been done over and over again. This does at least have a few original ideas. The free-skip grav lift idea was a very nice original touch.

    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Doesn't have anything too pretty, but of course it is a mini-game map, so at least it serves its purpose.

    Playability: 9/10
    Puzzles are always fun to play for me, especially with original puzzles. So as long as this doesn't have glitches, it should be good.

    Design: 8/10
    Puzzle maps always have to be well thought out to be sucessful. Good job on this. I've made one before... it was pretty sucessful, but I know how well you have to think it's design.

    Construction: 9/10
    As long as the construction went as well as the design it should be just fine.

    Overall Rating: 8/10

    Post Name: Honest Post
    Description: A truthful post that goes straight to the point, these are common and tend to be located in newb threads. They are not offensive and offer little advice.
    Rank: Medium
    Example: The map needs interlocking; the game play looks like it sucks. I would have to give your map a 2/5 interlocking is really bad. Try going to Forging 101 to get help.

    Rules: Failure to follow the following rules will be considered spam and you will be reported.

    • Do not; I repeat do not post a 1 sentence response to this. Explain why you are this type of poster.
    E.G = I am (Insert type of poster here) because…

    • Do not post pictures, or quote anyone.
    If you do not find the type of poster you are, then make sure it is not one of the following and post it without fear. If it is a unique post not posted then I will add it on to the list.
    This is not a free post thread. I will not accept short posts; your post must be on topic.

    Disclaimer: These posts where created by RadiantRain, and all info on this thread is based on opinion.

    If this post does not belong here please move it to off topics.
    #1 RadiantRain, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  2. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am an all around poster. I post nice reviews in the maps section most of the time, but every now and then I accidentaly spam.
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    quick replying positive negative poster
    lol thats me
  4. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think there should be a couple more classifications, because I'm not sure if I fall under any of those. Funny little thread here, though. Makes you think about how you post, and whether or not you actually contribute to the thread.
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, but please recommend something if you do not find it, it will help me expand on the list.
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would say I am the last one because I don't make huge posts, but try to include everything I see wrong and at least give a little advice.
  7. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I guess i'm not bad. I used to be the sort of some where between small review and quick reply (just a quick run through of + and -) but now I'm somewhere between small review and 2-4 paragraphs.

    Here's an example of one of my posts:

  8. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think I'm a 2-4 paragraph poster. Of course I'm pretty new here, so I can't really say for sure. I'm just going by the general size of my posts on other forums.
  9. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I also do these sometimes:

  10. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Um, 2-4 paragrapher when I do Dl a map. I don't even go into competitive maps anymore...
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sometimes short positive- negative. sometimes paragrapher. depends on the map
  12. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd say I'm a small reviewer, I only really post something if it really sticks out, and If I don't notice anything, I don't bother posting.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I'm a frequent poster that gives my honest opinion of a map if it sucks it sucks if its awesome its probably awesome I won't be mean though and rub it in their face though like some people. I usualy give recomendations to help improve the map if needed.
  14. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Lazy poster, i like to get straight to the point with my nonsence.

    See what I mean :D
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like a 1-2 paragraph post usually.

    I like this idea of a topic, but I think this should refer to generally all posts made by the user. I think that a lot of people don't just come here for the maps section, and I find commenting in the maps section very stupid anyways. I'm getting too used to posts like 'good job, nice map, 4/5, needs moar interlocking'.
  16. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely a small reviewer. at least, I used to be. When I did/ once in a while occasionally do post on a map, I am the exact definition of a small reviewer.

    Otherwise, I'd say Im an Off Topic dweller. I spend all day everyday in off topic. Cause that's just how I roll.
  17. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Small reviewer...
  18. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i try to be a small review poster but some of my posts are quick replier as i don't have much to say ..
    And i try to give positive and negative points about maps ..
  19. The God of Grunge


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    I am a short review poster, because I like it short and sweet.

    Heh. I like it short and sweet.
    ^Chea, That's what she said
  20. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am somewhere between a 10/10 poster and a Short Review poster. I try to do the whole 10/10 setup in a short 1-2 paragraph space.

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