I had an idea like, Team forge, where there were two teams on foundry that had like 3 minutes or so to forge whatever they could then the two teams would fight, like in slayer. i think it would be fun, but many MANY errrors would need to be worked out before in actually functioned well. Tell me what you think. Supporters: huntaro002 alienvsbon
seams cool but can you edit whilst slaying? if so, cheap-double box splatters- if not,you could just forge a map and then switch to regular slayer
he's trying to say you get 3 mins to build watever you can. after that no forge, just slayer. that would be really fun. it should be a ranked list.
HELL YEAH! That would be such a stratetic game man, really. Pretty awesome for the great Forgers around here. And it should be like, 5 min.
I would build a box with a receiver node in it, and the sender would be somewhere on the map. Our team would gain the lead, go in the box, the other team would be forced to go in the tele, and then BOOM! ASSASSINATION. Sorry, but it wouldn't work.
people would just make some superfort that only they can get into, and then they'd spawn snipers and sparten lasers
yeah thats why i said it would have to be worked out alot like a 100 $ limit and auto spawn times for stuff or somthing
I hear that Halo3artificer has something like this, two teams that forge a base and then the map has to be reviewed to make sure each base follows the rules. I don't think we should steal their event.
I'm pretty sure that ForgeHub had one of these a while ago, except I think they had the teams restricted to separate sides of the map, with a moderator keeping tabs on everyone. There were some honour rules such as don't touch the other teams stuff and don't build on the team's side. Also each team had a limit of 1 or 2 power weapons. I think that they had new rounds starting every set interval of 5 minutes or something. Another rule I think was that the moderators were the only ones allowed to place spawns or something... I didn't participate but from what I heard after it was loads of fun. Of course there were some hiccups as with all online forging get-togethers but I think with some solid organization, you could get this to work.
i think it sounds fun but there would be like a big barrier in the middle of the level that u cant forge past or see past! but great idea
Yeah, FH did one of these a while ago. It wasn't publicized, and as a matter of fact, I think it was just something some random members did.
i would just drop two overshields ontop of each other and then make them insta spawn, stand on top of them and hey your invincible =]. i dont see how it could work though, just make a big ish room full of weapons and the only way in is thrue a little door.