I'm Going to S**t on Microsoft { A Tale of 4 Consoles }

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Billy Reloaded, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    Oh teh noes!

    that really stinks bill! but that could also be from overheating, therefore making the disc drive slowly expand and go to normal F**king it up. this could be because of continuous play, or just leaving your console on too long. what might've happened is that you let your xbox on for 3+ hours. then it expanded, and did not go back to normal correctly because of expanding metal. this is a way to get around the red ring of death. if you warm up the disc drive to much, it ultimately destroys your disc drive. the XBOX 360 has fans, but they are s**tty and suck at "cooling" the xbox. i would reccomend finding a stand that has fans in it. but try not to stand the xbox up. other wise if you knock it down while playing or while there is a disc in, then you are F**ked. good luck getting a good xbox. because i have had the xbox 360 since it came out. and i take care of electronics like they are gold, so mine has never had any errors. the only error is that sometimes it has troubles finding my IP adress. good luck!
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I got mine more than a year ago and it still is working fine. Don't know what to tell you. Some people are more lucky. lol
  3. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    My xbox recently threw in the towel.

    About 3 weeks ago.

    And I have not missed it since.
  4. zombiphobia

    zombiphobia Ancient
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    i like how you wrote this so nicely.
    1 person likes this.
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Get the elite. I'm pretty sure it was made better, and my friend's Xbox RROD for the last time, so he got an Elite and he was like "Crap that's fast loading". Try it.
  6. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I've got a story a bit like this. Last month I got red ring of death and a couple weeks later I got my xbox back, so I went downstairs to play halo, but halo was nowhere to be found. (not microsoft's fault), my mom's router just happens to be not work right now, so my next best game that can be good offline is GTA IV, but it mysteriously got a ring scratch that happens when someone (My sister won't admit it but she got really defensive) moves the xbox. I end up messing around with cod4 on veteran.

    My friend's xbox broke but he didn't buy a warranty so he is going to sell all his xbox stuff to friends and save up for a ps3. I buy Halo 3 from him for $30, but when I go home I was going to forge on foundry since I wouldn't be distracted by XBL and actually finish a map, but all the legendary, heroic, and cold storage maps were gone. I decide to play geometry wars, but all arcade games I bought are in trial mode if possible, only games like yaris that don't have a demo were the same. I go to my dad's house where live works, and connect and everything is fine, but when I go offline the same problem happens.

    I called xbox support and talked to some guy that was being sort of snobby. I explained how the downloaded content for halo and arcade games disappear while offline, and he tells me this is a problem with Bungie, so i tell him again that all my arcade games are lost when offline. He then tells me that there is a liscense for the games, and that the liscense was probably in my old broken xbox when it was shipped away, so I have to delete and redownload the things from my download history ( not that bad), so I delete and redownload Geo wars, and purposely disconnect to see if it worked, but it was still in trial form, then my mom came to pick me up so I'm stuck for the week without any arcade games or map packs.
  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Xbox.com | System Use - Transferring Content Licenses to a New Console
  8. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    One small problem that I can see with that cunning plan, The serial code on the xbox 360 won't match what is on the box. If you noticed when you bought your 360, the store clerk is supposed to scan the bar code with the serial number on it, so they can prevent idea's like yours.. Don't get me wrong it's a great plan and I hope it works for you.. I'd just hate for you to go through all that trouble of buying a new 360 and then not being able to return one, hence leaving you with 2 360's and out 600 bucks.. Good Luck.

    Oh and unless you already have a 360 Elite, Don't buy one and try to return your old one.. That just flat out won't work..
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I too have had ongoing problems with xbox 360. I am currently on my 5th xbxo as well....but I made sure to get the newest system out at the time.

    I bought a launch console and it died on me 7 months later.....I was glad I had bought a replacement plan (at the time microsoft didn't have their 3 year warranty). I get my new 360 (YAY!), and it died on me 3 months later.....(Booo!). So I take my box back to the store I bought it from and replace it....again! (yay!) and then 6 months later the tray motor dies....refusing to open.....so I send this one into Microsoft....and 3 weeks later I get a refurbished one (they're terrible).

    Well about 3 months ago it suffered from the dreaded RRoD (My third experience), and I didn't want to deal with sending the 360 back into Microsoft and waiting another 3 weeks for a system that will certainly fail me again.

    So I take my friend's replacement plan and use it to buy a brand new 360 manufactered only month month prior to me purchasing it. It runs quieter, loads faster and comes with an HDMI output. =)

    When you get a new 360 back from Microsoft, check the birth date of the 360....if its anything made prior to March 2007...expect to be sending it back soon.
  10. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Ah excellent point but I have already thought this through. I am going to manufacture one of the special tools used to open up the case. When I receive this new xbox I will simply switch the cases thus it will go back to the store with the original serial number.

    I feel for you Draw the Line, I hope that your new console works out for you.
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'm sorry for your luck. Amazingly, I got my X-box 360 the Christmas it came out and it hasn't crapped on me yet. I'm expecting it to do it soon, but I have a question. When they fix it, I download stuff for Oblivion, will I need to spend money on it again or no?
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I have been through 4 xbox's, all with a variety of errors, from HD, to Disk drive to Overheating...

    I have also been in the situation when i got a 'replacement' that broke in a matter of days.

    Its quite disgusting..
  13. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Apple all the way man!
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    ya totaly

    apple maekz 360
  15. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    had RRoD twice. On my third xbox :(
  16. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    dude thats ****ing scary my 4th console broke 2 DAYS ago, i only bought the 360 in november (21 months ago) and its gona be out of my hands for 5 months in total now. 1/4th of the time...
    though ive had a free wireless headset(thats never worked) and after i had a fat go at the manager i got me a free wireless controller too.

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