Keira, lovely. She is my fantasy. <3. I'd like someone to make this picture into an awesome sig. REP will be given. Text: Scopulus Picture: Keira <3 Style: Abstract-ish Extra: Bold frame around picture Text Color: Turqoiuse thanks
yo scopulus, i believe i can fulfill that request....+ rep for all submissions, or what? if possible i wish to reserve this?
sure thing buddy. I'll rep anyone who atleast tries and gives me coolness. All submissions will be repped. But they gotta be sig worthy lol
yo im making her with like eyes only...its sexy trust me awesome idk how the rest will turn out,lol thinking it alone should be awesome!
you need to find your own render dude....! yo scopulus.....i made it real simple, but its majorly sexy!! Here it is: i gave her more color to the eyes, and darkened the pic of her, to add some depth to it,
image link is fixed and looks awesome sdra! but it won't let me rep you.. says I already have..I repped you before? lol anyways good job. I'll rep you when it lets me.
i like those, although you can't really see the name!!! I DID USE a different render (sorry for the caps) but it still turned out ok
I chose my own render because your picture wasn't working =/ and I made it really simple as well, I don't like out of control sigs...
yeah randle i made mine pretty simple too! i like yours too, although it is a little to bright for my taste...i like the one i did (not to toot my own horn) (i like that saying for some reason) i mean by the darkness it gives some depth to the image...
I was going for more a photo look to it, like she's modeling or something. (hence lens flare xD) I like reaper's though, his is pretty good, first one personally.
Hey scop i'm gonna take a shot at this, but my photobucket isn't working so i'll probly get to you late.
Aight... I'll either have to take it to my other computer and upload it or wait for this computer to not be retarded... probably the second one. What sort of style are you looking for exactly? sorry i dont do a lot of thinking on my own.