3 Stories Clean

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Twilkey SRT, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Twilkey SRT

    Twilkey SRT Ancient
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    Map Title: 3 Stories Clean

    Download Map

    This map was my first attempt at a pyramid. After I was done making the base of the map, I decided to leave it at that and see what others could do as far as placing weapons and objects on this map to make it a great map to play on. Expect more Clean maps like this from me in the future.

    Here is a link to the screenshots in the poster.
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I'll say the same thing I said about your map Cany -

    Thats a nice fancy poster you've created but the screenshots are pretty small. I can't really judge your map and give you any feedback based on the small screenshots and short description. I'm sure your map is a good one so please edit or post some bigger screenshots that reveal the potential your maps holds within it. Thanks.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Agreed. Leave the Photoshpping for sigs, and for god's sake, don't ever post a picture of you shooting up in the air for no reason again. We all like playing teh space dressup, and we all stare at cool shots of ourselves in theatre mode. No need to put that up for something that's supposed to be describing your map.

    Now, on to the map. So this is an incomplete map that you want others to finish? I think this one is better suited to post in the Forge Discussion section. I did like the inverted pyramid concept of your other map, though.
  4. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    The poster thing is nice but you need more of a description and bigger pics.
  5. Twilkey SRT

    Twilkey SRT Ancient
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    I am a nice guy until this happens. Dont ever come to me and tell me not to do something. If you think I shouldnt do it then asked me nicely. Do not tell me to do anything.

    Also, I have updated the post with a link to the screenshots in the poster.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm a nice guy too and sometimes my dry humor is misunderstood. No hard feelings, I wasn't trying to be a jerk.
    I appreciate you putting up the screens, it's a lot easier to tell what's going on.
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'll have to disagree with squid on this one. I don't really mind it all that much myself. It's just there for aesthetic purposes, and isn't the real focus of the poster. If it were not in poster form and there were just a bunch of screenshots with him posing at the end I would suggest he remove it, but I think this way it's fine.

    As far as the map goes, it looks nice and I'll download it to see if it speaks to me. I also like the idea of clean maps. I might steal this idea.
  8. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    it looks like you put alot of work into it
  9. Twilkey SRT

    Twilkey SRT Ancient
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    I dont keep track of how long I spend on my maps but this one was spur of the moment idea. Thats how my maps come to life usually. If I get an idea, I try to keep it in my head until I can get it made. I dont forget many things when I am forging. I do have some other maps that I think everyone here would like but sense I cant get certain people from this site to talk to me, then I will have to release them somewhere else. Most likely on GamingTV.us which is my site. So if you wanna see what I can do then keep an eye on my site and I will post them soon.
  10. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    its doesn't intrest me too much. It doesn't look bad. BUTTT i don't think i would like it to much.
  11. Twilkey SRT

    Twilkey SRT Ancient
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    Well some people would say they wouldnt like it just because its a black map.

    I have better maps, believe me.
  12. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Ok first of all what do you mean when you say a "black map"?
    and secondly don't go to someone else's map just so you can say yours is better if your going to post like that you may as well not post at all. :squirrel_evil:
  13. T Burner693

    T Burner693 Ancient
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    LOL Squidhands and This map does look very neat. I'll give you that but judging upon the pictures it looks confusing to play on. It looks like you put alot of time in it as well.
  14. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
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    ive played this and to be honest its not very fun

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