1. Do NOT use GIMP. I mean, look at the definition of GIMP on Urbandictionary: 2. Use Photoshop and Irfanview. That's all you need to know. Will be updated eventually. Or not.
So by graphic advice are you posting tuts and crap, or will this be a Q and A thread? Also whats Irfanview?
Irfanview is a program that allows you to view images in their highest quality. I don't know how, but it enhances the resolution to make them even clearer, sharper, and better. It's also really lightweight and opens really fast And to answer the other question, whatever happens, happens.
Seems like this could come in handy for new sigs maker, or for totaly unexperienced sig makers that didn't have have made a sig so that makes them just totaly unexperienced, like me.
Are you being serious? Because my advice above is somewhat pointless, besides like two things. Also, when I quoted you, red lines squiggly lines popped up all over my screen.
can you help me out with this sig ive been making? RapidShare: Easy Filehosting thats the psd file for it....could you progress it, and make a tut on what you did, or record it with a program on how you did it... SourceForge.net: CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder thats to record thanks!
Yeah, so this thread really serves no purpose at the moment. Photoshop is better than GIMP. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. And the people on this forum know that. The problem is that most people can't afford Photoshop.
I know a lot of people that make better sigs with Gimp then people with photoshop.Gimp is a very good program for free.Photoshop is $700.00!I dont understand why you would try and put down the people who are using it.
Nowhere in my post did I "try and put down the people who are using it." And if you'll actually read my post, I did not say ANYTHING bad about GIMP. All I said is that it's not as good as Photoshop. Because it isn't. That's not to say that people can only produce garbage in GIMP. It's a very nifty piece of freeware, but in a side-by-side comparison, Photoshop is clearly better. Many people on this website defend GIMP because that's the only image-editing program they've ever used. And there is actually a free 30-day trial of Photoshop CS3 available at Adobe's website. But to be honest, my main belief as to why so many people in the graphics section at FH speak so highly of GIMP is because they're not skilled/experienced enough yet to appreciate the differences. Those are just my personal opinions, but take my word for it.
I don't really think that PS is that much worse then gimp learning curve wise. I'ma download PS 30 day and use that for the month. I have to delete GIMP for it to download as I'm running out of memory NOOO edit: I don't think the mods enjoy "clever" hint dropping on the acquisition if PS, but go ahead and drop them around me.
Name someone on this site who can make a better sig than Reynbow,Zero, and/or Wisper and be using gimp.
Grunge and over sparkles. Sigs should be clearly about a focal point. It shouldn't need grunge or sparkles to look better. Less is more.
Sure, why not. C4Ds. Well, it is actually worse, as a fact. I'm not putting it down. Anyways, I found this 30 day trial bypassing technique. I don't know if this works with the CS3 trial, but it should. And before a mod deletes this, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL because the trial is a less enhanced version of CS3 missing a few features so you are not keeping CS3 but keeping like CS2 v1.2, if that make sense. There are also a few other reasons that contain a bunch of legal jargon. Anyways,