Come one, come all, to the greatest show that you've never heard of! All right here at the beautiful Death Mountain Carnival, located in the scenic warehouse of Foundry. Named after the volcano in the popular Legend of Zelda series, this map is all about mainly having a good time just messing around. it provides 4 varied activities for it's guests to enjoy. The main attraction is the "Jump of Death" Death Mountain sits near the center of the map, active and well, just waiting for willing challengers to try and jump through it's fiery wrath. We at the DMC have provided you with a wide variety of vehicles ranging from speed to power to have you test your luck on the Jump of Death. If you don't feel the need to be extreme, you can, well, kinda, tone it down some with a friendly game of Halo soccer. Designed for simple one-on-one games, teams of two can also be played on this small field. Hammers are the weapon of choice for getting the ball across the field, or for just smacking the crud out of your opponent and other guests if that's what you feel, . Now, if you do meet your unfortunate demise, we here at the DMC are not liable for compensation. However, we will treat you to a ride in our world-famous "Zero Gravity Chamber" Our patented Zero Gravity Chamber utilizes futuristic devices to jettison newly spawned guests back into the carnival with ease so that they may resume their fun time, or get revenge on the n00b who took them out. Our final attraction is one that can be loved by the whole family. Bumper Hogs. Surrounded by unbreakable shielding doors, the object is to drive your warthog into the other guests' and knock them out of their seat. If they happen to fall out, the first person to run him/her over scores a point. And the process continues on until someone reaches the set score. Nothing like a little family fun, right? And thus, our tour of the wonderous Death Mountain Carnival concludes. I hope you've enjoyed this introduction, and we hope to see you soon. The map variant can be found here Enjoy.
Very nice post being a new member to ForgeHub and all. Looks like fun the only two mini-games I wold like to play would be Bumper Hogs (although you have to rely on Honor Rules *Shivers*) and the death mountain jump thing.
nice idea, a bunch of mini games in a mini game map, and pretty creative games, i would wanna play bumper cars the most though )
The soccer is pretty good depending on who you have in your party. I usually only play it in forge so the monitor can act as the "ref", if you get me. Bumper Hogs and the Jump of Death is always fun though, lol. But, "Honor Rules"? You kinda lost me there... I'll have to look that one up.
honor rules basically dont shoot or assasinate ppl.. go by how the rules of the game, so bumber cars.. tehres no shootin , no getting out, no goin in turrent, no grenades.. just bash and bash and bash
Yeah, the volcano idea randomly popped into my head, and I was playing with my friend Whitey, and he was all "dude, we gotta make it so you have to jump over the volcano or something" and I replied "No, not just that. A whole carnival!"
I personally like these kind of maps where there is really no objective, you just get to mess around in them. Nice map!