Okoy tryin to do this the right way. This is my first thread so if you see sometjhing wrong with it please criticize. Id rather you criticize me now then get the banhammer later. Thanks.
double posting and spam...tsk tsk....way to go dude....for the pic, i cant see anything, cuz its too small...upload to photobucket, or imageshack, and then dont check the resize button...if you have any more questions on how not to get banned or infracted, PM me....what you are doing here you are set on a track right into a banhammer....
The picture is really small, try downloading your picture from bungie onto your computer then upload the picture onto photobucket, its really really small, but i can kinda tell whats happening in the picture and it made me chuckle.
Ya Im not sure what im doing wrong: 1. Right click on screenshot I want to post... ... ... ... Scroll down... ... ... (Save picture as) 2. Name picture 3. Go to photobucket. Create new album 4. Upload picture to photobucket. 5. Copy "IMG" to forgehub thread WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?! AT WHAT POINT AM I BEING LEAD ASTRAY?
Try the Direct Image URL. You may get better results.. Though I use Imageshack so... Otherwise if there is a button, to resize, on the upload page, uncheck it.
Okay. Is there a way for me to re-post this picture to see if I did it right with out getting smashed in the face with the banhammer?
Good. That's almost there. Copy the following into your post and it should work: Code: [img][U][URL="http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s357/fiatluxmortem94/Halo%203%20Stuff/CHIEFCLIMBWALL.jpg"]http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s...FCLIMBWALL.jpg[/URL][/img][/U]
I DID IT!!! Thanks sooo much for your help guys. I dont think many people are as nice as you are on FH
haha dude i really like this pic for some reason, but i would like it with like an explosion or something.....i like it (BTW did you + or - rep me?
I don't get it sdraklich, are you asking him for rep? And I think the screenshot's cool. Purposely or not, both feet are actually realistic.
Ya actually it was another angle on another screenshot I took. I'll post it right now so you can see it. The other pic explains it all.
I like it ! =] Well done for keep trying to fix the thread now its fine! Nice pic i like what you did .. But the idea is pretty bad .. Looking forward to your future screens!