Well thanks guys, was an uber bump but hey, still appreciate the feedback. My next map is still being worked on but is making good progress, hoping to get it done and polished asap. Peace.
Sweet, I remember playing the first version of this map I thought it was good but this looks real good, nice job!
looks fun and most likely has great gameplay but I see like two messed up merges in the pictures. 4/5 great looking map
Looks like a really good map with a creative layout. The only part that i dont really like is the higher bridge area that has a drop down in it... it doesnt seem to fit. And i will take the challenge of getting out of the map...... if there is a way I will find it
Dang, may 20th... how did I miss this map. It looks amazing. Really smooth floor and it looks like it has some really cool features like the sword area and the insides of the bases. I will definitely keep this on my to-download list for when I get me xbox back. Nice job it looks awesome. keep forging.
Thanks everyone :] @Leroy Jenklns/MetalDog84: Hate to break it to you guys, but this is the same version.. Someone just mega bumped it. Luckily it always emails me when I get a reply so I noticed. Although there may eventually be a V2. @Mental: Yeah this map is pretty old, everyone already found the glitches and ridiculous ways out, I really had underestimated some people >_> Although you won't escape my next one.. Everyone else, thanks for all the feedback ^.^ Peace.
Thanks guys. @redearth: It's supposed to be open, most Bungie maps are. I hate maps with too much cover. I think it mostly works. Peace.
This map is so cool. I Am going to dl and then play this with my friends that are coming over soon. 5/5, the design looks flawless. Sweet center hill too man!
This is how competative maps should be I'm sick of seeing boring symetrical maps this one is almost symetrical but its at least refreshing unlike a majority of competative maps that all look and play similar. Good work
Wow, sweet map! I especially like all the interlocking you did, so smooth! And those death teleporters to outside the map made me laugh! (surprised the crap out of me the first time) I think it's been mentioned before so at the risk of being redundant, I found a couple easy ways out: The short barrier on B side can be used to nade jump up to the ledge of Foundry's geometry. From that ledge you can either go left and jump over the death teleporters and get out, or you can head right and jump through the window panel with a well-timed jump. I loaded up forge and noticed that you've got 2 Single Open boxes left which you could use to barricade those spots. Just a suggestion! Overall, amazing map! 4.9/5
Thanks guys. @Gollygeeanelite: Awesome, glad my maps are getting a good use of :] @Shell Shock: Thanks, my next map is symmetrical too, although it'll probably be my last symmetrical map, too tedious to make tbh. @FattyFatFat Kid: Yeah everyone found ways out, some really crazy ways.. lol.. Even got past my death teleporters Peace.
Really creative map, I haven't seen one like this before since gradient, etc. Good job on the post except that I was wondering if you could go under the map, it looks like it, but there aren't any pictures to show it. 3/5 until I can test the game play because it looks like you could get teamed a lot around the main area of the map. I'll add this download to my list, It's the last one I can hold. I'll be testing them tomorrow after school. If I like it I'll get back to you on a private message.