!Hello forgehub Viewers! Here is some more pictures from the one the only Heavenly Skittles -Insert aplues here- And yes for everone this is not photoshopped to prove i have a link to bungie Its a pretty link Heavenly Solder Enjoy -Heavenly Skittles-
I have seen this effect a lot but this is a better example of it very nice the effect{i think} is active camo+flare+colourblind fx right? I am not really into staging screenshots myself but I do like them and this is very good You should really post a description of how its done that is what Forgehub is all about and soldier has an i in it
I would love to tell you all how to do thise effect but....... i am sworn to secrecy its a closely guarded secert. but i can tell you if you close and ezekeil your are not close
You miss my point ForgeHub is not about people showing off by making something and not showing how its done Forgehub is about like minded people coming together and sharing ideas to make us all better forgers Have you learnt something from Forgehub? I have learnt loads merging inf budget i locking instant respawn are just a few if everyone thought like you then there would not be any amazing maps on this site I don't care how its done but some people do please tell them I also posted a similar message on another screen with this effect because i strongly disagree with people showing off and not sharing the knowledge - rep for you because you are not contributing
It is a really cool screenshot, i love the effect. But you really should just tell people if they want to know. it is what forgehub is about. I don't know how to do it, but it is hardly a guarded secret. im sure i could find out in thirty seconds if i wanted to... but nice screenshot.
It's pretty cool, but I have seen it done before. Don't hate on him just because he doesn't want to share the secret, other people have done it too.
its not a hate thing i like the screenshot and i really don't care how its done personally as i don't stage screenshots i just think it violates the spirit of ForgeHub i mean look at how many people have asked if everyone thought like this then we wouln't have things like forging 101 or the mastertutorial index
You interlock yourself into the big yellow glowey barriers with camo on and colorblind and gloomey filters on! You can see through yourself, but not the glowey barrier!
Yes but forge hub is mostly about helping people become better forgers not picture takers that why its called FORGEhub
good job with the lighting and the angle,better than most of my shots at the effect.I can see this with over 1000 dls soon. 5/5
Golly I love that effect. I've seen it on a lot of stuff but never a soldier. But it's kinda old news now that manypeople know how to do it and use it on a whole bunchload of different stuff.
dudee this is awesome!! I love it!! The effect is great and i have no idea how you figured it out buts its great ! + rep for such an awesome pic!