intimidationIntimidation is medium sized map meant to be played with symmetrical objective games and slayer. It has many features including near perfect interlocking, amazing flow, and it's just really fun! Make sure to give flag and bomb carriers reduced speed due to the small size of the map! This map works best with teams of 3 or 4 for objective games. There's no way to get out because the map is high up where the jump barrier is. Have fun and please leave feedback so I can make even better maps in the future. This is my first post on forgehub![/FONT] Weapons List SWORD deep end of the pool NEEDLER kneel to the needler SNIPER RIFLE dude... learn to walk SHOTGUN shotty camp spot just above gun RED SIDE (sniper side) BLUE SIDE (shotgun side) ACTION SHOTZ [IMG] Headed upstairs with deployable lift Pool Fight [/IMG]Full.jpg[/IMG] Lets Go Camping! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing LINK ^
Dude this map looks terrific. I like the last picture. I am not in favor of slow speed but I am positive that it works out fine with this map. I really like the map design but you should add a list of what weapons are on the map though I do see some in the pictures. 5/5
wow. this is amazing, the multipile levels and what not, the great interlocking, is this feature worthy? i'll have to play it first, but we shall see.
The only weapons on this map are the sword, sniper, shotty and needler. there are also two spike grenades that are not listed but are located behind the fourth action shot. EDIT no more spike grenades. wah
first off this map looks great i like all the weapons i like that its objective and i love the lay out there is basically nothing about this map that i dont like 5/5
can we haz overview pic pleez? Anyway, looks cool, but not worth a download, yet and I don't know why you'd have a camping spot for a shotgun purposely built into the map... there's no point, it's just not fun when people sit in one spot and rape... other than that it looks cool and nice interlocking... 3/5
It was not possible to take overview pics because the map is at the invisible barrier high in foundry so you can't escape. There is a camping spot for the shotgun to balance out the map so the sniper doesn't murder everybody. the camp spot is open in the back so you can chuck grenades in!
welcome to forgehub! interlocking looks smooth, if a bit sloppy in places(just a few, everywhere else it lloks great.) in some of the pics, it looks easily escapable, although im not sure(i know the barrier is there, but i am still not sure). i wiil dl when i get the chance and check it out, then tell you how it is. Some tips on posting you maps: make a longer description explaining the map more map a weapons list with respawn times and spare clips the large font just looks obnoxious overall good first post! oh and the king psycho, please put a little more thought into your posts, what you did is considered spam.
Wow this is very nice! The interlocking is nothing short of fantastic and the multifloors help make it evan better! I love how you made a semicercle with the shield doors. I also think its cool how evan though I don't see the floor of foundry there is room for a sniper! Excellant work I will download and then rate later. Can't wait to see how it plays!
hello and welcome to ForgeHub! you have a great first post here, and we appreciate it when people get it right the first time ( i actually was one of those ppl) and dont get it right after their 5th map comes out! i rate this 4.5/5, and love the interlocking, and the view from the little cubby/room! your action shots are decent, especially that shot with the needler i believe it was! If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me!
Thanks for the tips. The map is completely unescapable because it is so high that there is an invisible barrier that stops you from jumping out. I'll put a longer description on my next map.
I worship needlers... If you check my file share there's a really fun slayer game i made. It's called brute needling.
Final Thoughts ****! I just wrote this massive review and when i tried to post FH had signed me out and it took me ages...i cant do it again but id say the layout is brilliant is also very smooth. But the Weapons and Grenades are Wrong, No BR's AR's to keep the constant suply of ammo. SHOTGUN, Needler and Sniper are all on 30 respawn rate with 2 spare clips. Dude make sure you sort that out. Great map tho Keep on Forging 4.5/5 (Seriously tho who else gets it when it signs you out after a while)
SHOTGUN, Needler and Sniper are all on 30 respawn rate with 2 spare clips. What should I set them to?