MLG maps are all over the place... It really sucks because good non-MLG maps are buried under the piles of bad MLG maps that are clones of each other. Its crazy how many there are.
Competitive map subforum needs to be redivided again, if you read the thread linked in my sig I talk about a decent idea for redivision of the competitive and casual subforum.
I personally am tired of all these MLG maps, since most of them are just repeating old ideas, with no new game play elements, and others just aren't MLG at all. But I agree, an MLG sub forum is needed.
This should be in the new Halo MLG Discussion Forum. Lawlz. I believe frequent makers of MLG maps are deprived of creativity. They simply create maps that have nearly the same characteristics, 'arena-like', short of weapons, symmetrical (well, it is the rules of MLG). They attempt to make the map more appealing than it really is, by using advanced Forging techniques, such as Geomerging. We already have 10,392,155,278 of the maps, why make another one with similar layouts?
in my opinion mlg type of maps are halo maps, i say this because the overall flow is beautiful and works well with the type of combat the game offers, the only thing i disagree with is the weapons, i feel their there so why not use them. This is a big problem, i can remember a time when there was a big variety in the competitive map section but thanks to you, you've proven its not like that anymore and they should take action. The obvious reason would be to create an mlg map section, yes it would solve allot of problems and make some people happy.
there are no MLG map characteristic rules, such as "it needs to be symmetrical." is guardian symmetrical? is construct? you are the type of person that perpetuates these stereotypes and ruins the integrity of this site in the eyes of the MLG community. and in my opinion the most aesthetically pleasing map ever is amplified, an MLG map. weapons arent to big of an issue if you take into consideration where they are and how they will be used. that being said weapons like needlers and brute shots will never be used because the randomness of the weapon takes the skill out of the game.
Did you notice that almost all of them have had their latest post by VGI dYn4sTY, they arent flooding the forums, they're beeing spammed. And so what if their is heaps of MLG maps.
I'm not against MLG or MLG maps in any way. In fact I MLG is probably the playlist I spend the most time in. I merely found it amusing that this user took the time to find every single "MLG" map in the forum and post in them all almost simultaneously.
Wow i haven't been on competitive maps forum in ages! And now MLG maps have flooded it i map not go there for a while .. MLG SUB FORUM FTW!