Guys, I was playing infection on halo 3 and this idea popped into my head. I know this is a rare thing i see to. This will benefit you conpetitive people too! How about a Halo 3 Slayer Marathon!! A match that lasts all day long and see who wins at the end of the day! Please take this idea into consideration and add it into forgehub some how. Would anyone join?
Sounds like a good idea, but there are a few contests like the 2v2. Else it would be cool to have a huge marathon, with some very cool maps.
i would join late, and leave early hahaha, i couldnt take that many people. plus it would have to be some giant map, like sandtrap, or a full foundry map like gridlock or something. or maybe avalanche idk, its a good idea though, expand my friend.
Having an all day game would be very boring, the fact your playing on the same map, I like changing it up, so theres a different environment around me. Different cover and different gameplay. Maybe like an hour long gametype with unlimited kills, most with the kills at the end wins. But definatly not all day, especially to the people who have lives.
its good to see people thinking and you've got a good idea there but i feel it has some problems and we could build on it. Here are some problem you should consider thinking about: • Timezones, the idea is great but there are many people from all over the world and my solution for this would be to host it like tgif. • A whole day is very long and it sounds easy but what about General lifestuff like food, hygiene, etc. You would have everyone stop a couple of times and it defeats the purpose of a marathon • Connection. What happens if say two thirds of the way through everyone loses connection, now picture this; only half of the lobby are able to reconnect, than it was all for nothing and just a waste of time here are some good ideas to build on top; • Maps, im sure playing one map all day would get boring but changing maps wouldn't seem legit, so i propose they/use a map that changes allot after a period of time • No latecomers, if everyone was able to join and quit anytime they won't than why not just join at the end. • The game type, i feel try to mix it up, you may not like it but i say random weapons, that way you shouldn't get bored, or for at least a while Hope that helped you and i hope you and your idea get somewhere, talk to bungie, you never know they might consider it, or it could be specially hosted here at forgehub, wherever just think about what ive said, DRiSCOLL
Whole day that spans maps. You change maps, but an official keeps track of the kills and adds it all up in the end.
just give it a join-mid-game option, let all timezones be separate, and maybe specially produced maps.. that would be really fun! you could keep your score when you leave, and if you join a game with points that are below 15 points under yours, you are reverted to a medium-high average of the points.. this would turn out to be a great thing if they put it together well enough
i have always wanted to do that well of course but it would have to be fiesta cuz it varies and do it on last resort +rep
Well i think we should make this a monthly thing. We really should get forgehub to do it. It would give some interesting game data. And we could sync the timezones to a good time. Friday to saturday to sunday is the best time to do it. Who ever wins, should get like a prize or something. Ms Points mabye?
Maybe not all day but it could be fun for like a hour it would be crazy Game Over eguitarplaya33------428 Bob------------------349 Bob------------------331 Might be more idk lol Ya all day would be boring, in fact a hour might get boring. good suggetion tho
Well. We could do hour long games? Randomizing the guns might be a bit bad. Instead, We could use Forgehubs maps that have good weapon placements and you just think "Wow i could play that map all day"...... The most Kills wins and at the end of the day all scores are added up from the offical bungie stats and who ever has the most kills wins. Now we could also "Time Sync" too. To do this we could have a fixed number of games for a timezone and because a time zone is always +1 after it would be easy so the people change on the hour too. To make sure theres no cheating going on you could have NO GUESTS in the game. And also have judges who check everyone on the Video. So we assign one judge to one person on the game. Of course the judges would have to be trusted people, That wont be hard to find becauee everyone here is so nice . I really think we should forward this to the forgehub creators. Also just got to say Having fixed games would cause people to play without playing. Say at the end of the games one person got 347 kills? The other player in another timezone knows nothing of this and tries his hardest to get more. So you see, You play without playing!