I wish Halo was more like actual war. More vehicles and more strategy. Currently, a lot of Halo is luck and reaction time. I wish that teamwork was more vital.
Haha. Bungie is full of stubborn lazy asses. That's why it's such poor programming. It's like Microsoft- programming for it to work, instead of programming for efficiency.
I prefer to think that multiplayer is a battle of a larger war. No matter how big a match is, 4v4, 8v8, and if possible, 16v16, it still would be considered a battle.
it's not made to be like a "war", if you want to play games with more strategy then try such games as rainbow 6 or call of duty. I'd say that's better than trying to make a statement to change the gameplay that made halo what it is.
I play both lol. I just think Halo should be a little more like them. And even those don't involve enough strategy
Halo Wars I agree. No matter the size of the game, with a first person view from the ground, you are still invovled in a battle. In order to be involved in a war you need to be a ble to step back and look at the implication of dozens of battles happening simulataniously and be able to make stargic decisions to affect the outcome. That is what Halo Wars is all about, hence the name.
I'm pretty sure skill and strategy go hand in hand. in the regular halo if you run in guns a blazin, the only strategy there is you getting shot and killed. Most people i know, lob a grenade, then go in and clean up, if they run into a second person. They fire, round a corner, and drop a nade for them to step on. Strategy and skill are the same to me.
halo is not war i would think war is what they tell in the books, humans having to defend their colonies from being glassed by the covenant. Thats why STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT 2 is more of a war game than halo! WTF
I used to play battlefront online alot. The reason it seems like a war, is because most of the times there's AI running around.
Oh no, somebody brought a dead thread back alive from the Oblivion of dead threads. Please, no necroposting. Could a mod lock this? I have stated my opinion in this thread before. A user has quoted it at the top of this page.
Your air concept sounds like a theory that their used to be two construct bases, and that would explain the air vehicles.