My entire brush folder was deleted, so all of my 200+ brushes are gone. So, does anyone have any brushes they recommend I download? I'm trying to not have as many as I did last time as it got a bit crowded and I couldn't find my favorite ones. It can be off deviant art or anywhere else.
Only 200? Just get some star brushes. Erm.. I don't really use brushes. so don't ask me. Edit: Splatter brushes. They are very helpful.
this site has some good grunge brusshes. Free Photoshop Brushes - Grunge Brushes and Photoshop Tutorials
I use the standard brushes and I can do pretty good work but then again I don't need any thing fancy for animation.
I ended up getting a couple grunge packs, a couple star packs, a fiery pack, a couple icon packs, and a sparkle pack, which I never use and am going to delete. Favourite brush is sparks. I'm probably going to delete all my brushes and remake them on my own, once I figure out how I'm going to do that.
yeah, I found a good one in grunge vs abstract, and I'll download the other ones suggested. Lol alby, it may of been more but I didn't count
on a semi related note how do you make your own brushes ( hint this might need to be in the GIMP master tut)
wow, I haven't made brushes in a long time. A google search may yield good results, but the only thing I can remember is to save it as a .pbr I believe?