Put nicely... That is a very good way to handle something. I know what the divorce thing is like. My uncle and my aunt are divorced, and it got a bit crazy. Last year on the fourth of july, I went over to an uncle's house (different uncle) and did some fireworks. My cuz, who is 7 or 8, fell on the bucket we put the sparkler sticks and matches and stuff in. I didn't catch the who thing because I was only 11 at the time, but i guess she got poked in the...... um...... I won't go into detail about it. Anyway.... my aunt pressed charges on my uncle saying he.... raped her, and she had to get all these tests done on her. The tests came in, and my family already knew the answer, but her b*tchy family kept sayin' that they thought he did and he should go to jail. My uncle doesn't care for my aunt all that much, but I KNOW he would never do something like that to his daughter. He has cancer, and it only makes the problem worse. He has a bad outlook in life, and doesn't give a sh*t about a thing in the world. I'm not sure if anyone understands your situation on a personal scale, but I know how it is. I'm there for you man.... It will work itself out, even if you have to be the one to make it happen. PM me if you have anything else to discuss... I hope I can help. ~~~~~Ellemennt75
WALL...............................................T...E....X...T. I'm confused.................................... theres soo much..................writing........:O
Now Sit down and let me Tell you the story of my soon to be step dad. Well 2 years ago on Christmas day my whole family was over, for you know family stuff.So my mom says that she found a guy (My mom and dad have been divorced for 6 years now but I'm still close with My dad) and she is going to bring him over.Well I was happy for her and when I met the guy he seemed like a cool cat ,until I got to know him. After a year he got extremely bossy.My mom is so ****ing annoying sometimes so I just raise my voice telling her something then Mr.Step Dad come sin saying "Calm Down " and then turning what I want to do into a nightmare. He also always thinks hes funny.Almost every thing he says is a bad joke.I swear its just sad to be around him. He also had a daughter with his ex-wife.Now his daughter is a whole other story. The little ***** (Shes 8 and your understand why I'm cussing her) doesn't say a ****ing word when you address her or talk to her.Shes too god damn shy.And I know some kids are shy but not like this one.This one is out of control shy.And then she ****ing follows me around when we go out.Shes so ****ing annoying my own mom had to Tell him that no one likes her. But their getting married this Sunday and I can't do anything about.OS hopefully it will turn out for the greater good and everything will be resolved Hopefully..
So much sh*t in the world..... But yet, video games save us. I don't understand everything, but I'm sure, in the end, everything WILL work itself out. Player.... ever thought about a slap, not hard, but to send a message..... It could help. At least, that's how I would do it. :squirrel_wink:
Steeveness I'm with you on the "I dont talk to my Dad" thing. Havent seen him in about 6 years. PlayerHater, have you talked to your mom about her getting married? Also, I have an eight year old brother who annoy me so much. He acts so stupid. But if you think about it it's just the age. As they get older they start becoming more mature. We only got four more years. They'll be 12 and thats when they'll realize that they need to act their age. Although, in 4 years I'll be 18 and wont have to live w/ him.
Hi everyone thank you all for posting, element thanks alot for the adivce, it helps to know that alot of you guys has been through step-dad/dad/mum/sister troubles. I don't feel like I'm the only one going through a hard time anymore. Player hater... That sounds really like what my step-dad was like now hes a complete nut-job, the earlier stages were: 1. Weedle his way into the family. 2. Show how nasty he can be withought mom being there. 3. Show how nice he can be when mom is there. 4. Show how smart he can be. 5. Pretend hes bonding with you, by telling your mom about what ''WE DONE THIS WEEKEND'' like eg say you went to the cinema with him.. and you hated every sencond... he would come back and say how good a time you both had.
Ok, here is some advice and empathy from an expert on similar situations. My mom and dad broke up when I was 12, and It was shitty. My dad had always promised me that it would never happen, but of course, it did. Anyways, I go completely emo over it and end up on anti-depressants. Ok, now fast forward two years. My dad says he wants us to meet his girlfriend, so we ride on over to her house, and I proceed to have a 5 hour long Halo 2 splitscreen game. My dads girlfriend seemed ok at first, but, as luck would have it, she turned out to be a complete and total *****. She yells at me for tripping. She has the IQ and maturity level of a third grader, and she does whatever she can to make things difficult for everyone around her. Anyways, on to the advice. Advice- first of all, try being nice. I'm not talking nice, I'm talking so nice that it throws him off guard. I've found that once a step parent realizes you don't hate them, It can help your situation become positive. Now here is plan B. Have you tried everything under the sun to keep things civil? Do your attempts not work? I recomend you become discreetly hostile, as in use acts of sabotauge and stealth to foil is pathetic attempts at control. Be an agent of chaos. Use anarchy to your advantage. It works for me, It just might work for you. of course, if there really is child abuse, its called a sledge hammer. It works on abusive step parents TRUST ME
a....sledge....hammer? wow that would hurt like hell..... Hey Steeve, I feel your pain, although I have never lived through a divorce, my friend has, and I had to help him get back on his feet. I know what its like because his dad's girlfriend is completely retarted (she can't make a cup of coffee without instructions), and my friend is always worrying about it. Halo 3 makes the pain go away...........and so does chocolate, but you already knew that. I can't give any advice because I have never lived through that, but all I can say is be positive, and be strong. And destroy your step-dad's stuff. That helps you vent sometimes.....
Well, it sounds like he is a pain in the ass, who is the stereotypical asswhole straight fromt he movies, who wanted to get into a family so he can take charge, using kindness to get in, and then using the families structural weakness without a true father around, and the emotion from that, to easily take control. So, make it clear you won't take his ****. Currently, he is stronger, because he can beat you up, mentally. Proof to this (and not meant in anyway as disrespect) is this thread for advice. Also, he has gotten you paranoid, because of the xbox. His control is over your mind, and if he looses that control, he will not know what to do. Lol, funny, I just read 1984, and in that book (if you haven't read it) is a lesson, or nightmare of totaltarian government, who controlled its subjects by a process called doublethink, in which they brainwashing you into believing whatever they say, even if it defies logic, like 2+2=5. Now, not the same situation, but similar idea. So, if you openly revolt, he will yell at you and put you down. So, you have to outsmart him. For ex. my friend hates his dad, and vise versa, so his dad ground him from xbox live. So he changed his dad's IP adress on the computer to something like 6969696 and when no one could figure out why his internet wouldn't work, he said he could fix it, just as long as he got xbox live back. Without much of a choice, his dad had to accept. Some may say this might be worse to do, pissing him off, but seeing as trying to please him doesn't work, letting him know you don't need him, and making him fear what you can do (such as disable internet) knowing that if he screws with you, you screw with him back. Then maybe he will never love you like a father, but he will mutually respect you as an equal.
Guess what's just happened, I had to stay at my sister's house last night, my sister Lauren used to fight with my step-dad all they time, she moved out because of it and my sis, isnt even allowed in my house anymore!Not even at christmas because of derek until she apologises when it ofcoarse is not her fault, anyways they were fighting as per, I had to stay at hers I've literlly just came in through the window, as there was no answer, My mum went away to get grocerys, well I'm sitting here panicing! I was like, mom where are you!!! so now, I called her and shes thinking about finishing it were probs moving away from here, for good.
I know how terrible this sounds but sometimes the best option for circumstances that are not under your control are to suck it up. I'm not saying this in a mean way, but it is all you can really do. Unless you want to plant a photoshopped picture of him with another lady in his room, but you shouldn't do that. I suggest that you focus on something more important than an asshole stepdad and work on school and/or your social life. That will make life a lot more enjoyable.
That sucks. My parents are fighting, and all I can say is, completely ignore. When he asks you a question, say yes or no or cool. Just wait for him to break down. I have destroyed my dad to a point where he hates me, and probably everyone else. All you have to do is get your whole side of the family to know about this, and you will make it through. And, another mind game, is when you need help with doing something, and he is in the room, call for your mom. The only other option is to wait for him to hit you, and play it up. Thats what I'm waiting for. Good luck anyways.
Do you have any close friends? Try sitting down and talking with one of them. If it's really bad and you don't see yourself being able to make an impact on your parents you can ask them to get help. It's different when other people mention something too. I've had quite a few friends who've gone through divorces, my one friend's parents divorced when he was real little because his dad had some anger problems and pulled a knife on his older brother. But we've always been there for him and he's gotten through it quite well (he and his dad are good buds). Sometimes all you need is a really good friend who can just sit down and listen to you vent and just be there for you. And if its really bad he/she should be able to try and get help for you too.
I'm so smart. I'm the most intelligible person in this thread. Legally emancipate from your household. OH **** WHATS GOOD?
This is the best suggestion in the whole thread! Friends can help you more then you think .. I have only one friend who has been through divorce and me and all of his friends help him through and he seems perfect now! =] So just speak to some friends about and if times are rough try going out with them .. Down the park , town , where ever!