
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by gamer14tsb, Aug 18, 2008.


What dificulty do you rate this puzzle

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  5. Very Hard

  6. Imposible

  1. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcomt to Disorientation, the puzzle map where you can never see outside, (except in the back room). It takes place on foundery and every item that is not in the back halway is interlocked, and only 4 that arnt in the back halway arnt attacked to the main structure and youll see when you finish why they arnt, if you are inquisitive that is. Once i put up the normal images im going to try to make links to spoiler images, its truley difficult even with them when i was play testing it it would take an hour or two with me guiding them, and its not because they kept failing, its just that disorienting, I completed it in like five minutes, but i made it and dont get disoriented. Most of this map has to do with moving mongooses around in order to be able to get on them from a different area, l like mongooses.

    By the way, this is the first map ive posted here so im a little inexperienced, sorry if its messy

    A Link to the gametype :http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25119951

    A Link to the map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25120077

    The Gametype starts you off with a sword and a sniper. Sorry no granades, that makes it too easy. Other than that its basically a normal gametype.

    Now For The Images:
    (sorry if they look bad, im not good at taking pic, the map looks alot better)


    /\ This is where you start, basically a jail cell, but there is a way out if you look around, Think like an insect , zzt ouch .Oh and by the way, you will always respawn in this cell.(Hint)

    /\ This is where the map gets its name, most people cant figure out where they are even if you tell them for starters you have to find a turret, i tell you this because it will be the ardest turret you have ever needed to find, Good Luck.

    /\ Told yah there was a turret. That wall is obviously slanted because im "Horrible" at forging... Folow the links in order for a hint
    Image of Before - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Image of Shoot This - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Image of Then do this - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Image of Then just get on - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    /\ This room appears to be self explanitory...

    /\ This room is full of tele porter antics, there is more behind what you can see, i just couldnt fit it in the shot and ran out of room for screenshots
    Image of After - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    /\ every time in this room has a purpose, some have share the same and another is wating to join in, if thats not confusing i dont know what is, but this is one of the easiest parts on the puzzle, people do it just because its there.
    Image of After - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    /\ When i took the picture i didnt see the forge ball, this is a realy complex room(complex on my part to forge and your part to complete) and most of what you need isnt showing, i just thought you would like to see the start and stop of the mongoose
    Image of After - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    /\ This part is a lot harder that it looks and once you get mid way throught it you'll see why (hint: you had a way to get there earlier in the map, and you can get to it from here, if you do the right things at the right times).
    Image of After, look at my feet - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    /\ I dont know why, but pictures from paint are smaller than the ones that you take strainght from bungie, but i ddint know you could go straight from bungie at first. Also if you complete all those challanges and reach the skull you win, here is when i finished it, i was so happy that it was finishable.

    /\ I almost forgot, there are deadends in this map, so if you find yourself looking at this in the game then use the plasma to reset yourself.

    Well thats it for th pictures for now, now to thank the people who helped me with this map, I forged the whole thing myself but i had people help me come up with some of the ideas: xInFamous2x, unfixedhackerej, the guy that made carnationv2, Nonamev2, Fyyrbes, Ninjaduck, and many others whos names escape me at the momnent because i spent the whole summer working on this, well maby only 75-150 hours of it, i was realy bad at interlocking when i started and the whole map is inter lock pretty much... i messed up so many times and ocasionally i would miss the start new round button and hit quit mage, makeing me restart what i was working on.

    Anyways i hope you like it and good luck, its pretty hard until you beat it , then its pretty easy. also it works best with 1 person, with more than one person because of the way that bellets react to diffrent xboxes telling them where they are sapose to go.

    Oh i almost forgot, the first one that sends me a video of them beting it wil be mentioned on this thread and any others a make on other websites
    #1 gamer14tsb, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This seems like a well built maze/puzzle map I wounder did you make a cake at the end because portal lied to me lol :[. I think the map looks kind of short though It would be better IMO if there were a few more areas.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice puzzle map, 3.9/5, and welcome to ForgeHub!

    if you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and seeing your map, i think you will have a good career here on ForgeHub!
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks like a really awesome puzzle map. I like how you never know where you are because you can't see outside. Nice job.
  5. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, no cake and no still alive song. Whats an IMO and i ran out of money
  6. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    will do
  7. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
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  8. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like the lol at the end
    the rest of the map looks good
    i like the idea of not being able to tell which side is up in the wall room
    overall i would give this a 4.5/5
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol i was lied to as well ;[

    looks like a good map , i enjoy your sense of humour with the deadends "LoL"

    good job
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry but I don't see anything original. Simply hiding a turret and shooting a fusion coil doesn't make this :hard:. Be more original please.
  11. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool! out of all the types of maps to make i think puzzles are the hardest and sometimes least rewarding.

    good job
  12. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like the way you cant see outside it makes it different and "disorientating"

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