Hi its me again Heavenly skittles coming to give you more screenshots to enjoy. So Here is my latest and greatest Heavens Army Created by me Areigner with help from huntero002
That looks good .. However the pose could have been better but the effect is still pretty good ... Looks like a nice render too =]
its a cool screenshot and cool effect, but it is basically exactly like your other one and many others, so nothing new or spectacular
fine i'll just go figure out how to do it in 3 minutes and then post it here.(no, i wont. its your choice, but not like its a super secret or anything
i would hardly say i was on your back i made a few posts surely you can see my point go through your post and count up how many people have asked how its done you are insulting them by not sharing how its done i hope chili figures it out but you could have posted this with a tutorial and people would have been impressed instead of being insulted and what did you think was going to happen when you continued showing off by posting another picture with the same effect?
ezekeil your are so right (Rep for you) If any of you posting on this thread think i should post a guide on how to do this effect say (Skittles do it)
i'm glad you see what i am saying and i couldn't even begin to figure out how its done as i don't stage screenshots and this is a very impressive effect most people me included thought it was done with photoshop and its not the fact that this is in game is amazing if you do post a guide i'm sure it will be greatly appreicated by the community and will lead to other screenshots using this clever effective and orginal effect
i think from trying some stuff out, although im not sure, you have to interlock yourself with an energy blocker with camo and some filters on. then you can see through you but not the energy blocker. i got an effect similar to this. i might need to tweak it a bit to get it perfect. is that right? or close?