This is just a quick many dodgeball maps are there..if any...? i was thinking of making one where the teams start at the sides and they shoot at each other trying to dodge bullets and soccer balls...
ok...i know there is dogeball maps such as you dodge scenery and cars and boxes and what not but i was wondering if the players actually were killing other players with guns....
splatter hill is the main one there is also one posted recently where you have to dodge coils there are loads the search button is your friend it really didn't need a new thread
Dodgeball maps (Stickball/Spikeball), paintball maps and the vehicle infection maps are very popular. If your going to make one, your gonna have to have something very special to make it stand above the hundreds of others.
Dodgeball maps are hard to get right, because it's incredibly difficult to get an accurate feel for the game and tie it together with good forging technique. If you can pull it off, you win. You win epically. In terms of that one, I would say it isn't worth downloading, as it is incredibly easy to break (a few friends and I tried it the other day).
My dodgeball map (look in my sig) uses only granades usualy and is divided my a KotH hill to elimenate people switching to the opposing teams side. If you want to make a map like this, go ahead but please don't say you created the idea. There is actually a guideline on how to make your own map in my thread, read that.