Falling Damage Some Halo CE maps are just not the same without falling damage. Even on Halo 2 they put falling damage on tombstone. I have been trying to find a way to get falling damage in forge. For now I am just trying to put it in selected areas. Any ideas, I've been trying to do it with switches, none of them work. Work In Progress Just Ideas at the moment. . .
I think you could somehow incorporate fall damage by placing teleporters somewhere and making them lead outside of a map where you automatically die. If you want only partial fall damage and not instant death, I have no ideas for that type of thing. Sorry.
IDEAS: 1. I think you could somehow incorporate fall damage by placing teleporters somewhere and making them lead outside of a map where you automatically die. If you want only partial fall damage and not instant death, I have no ideas for that type of thing. Sorry. -I thought about this, my only problem with this is it doesn't cover very much surface area. 2. Somehow try to interlock crates verry tighntened in a pit. They might vibrate and cause damage. -I like this idea and i know what you are talking about, however how would you make it so landing on it would cause it to vibrate. I don't want the floor to vibrate as I walk over it and hurt me. 3. You could have people fall on top of a custom powerup that gives them no sheilds briefly... - Like the idea, but It only has a small surface area and you could easily walk into instead of falling into it.
Bungie should seriously consider adding a fall damage option to custom game variants. Don't ask me how, but it would be awesome.
Keep in mind OP that this will require you to create specific variate that is always necessary to be played if you want the fall damage. It's still a great idea though. There is actually a tutorial for making a damaging floor (with crates) I'll look for it.
What about the custom power up does nothing but trigger a fusion coil? Like how they can hold stuff like those dumpsters that can splatter you.
I dint know,Bungie did it in campain so my susgestion is to build as high up as you can but than normal. Or build it floating over hte edge
No falling damage really takes away the realism of having to land your banshee if your about to die. But it does bring up a lot of awesome scenarios like dropping down into a place where people don't expect you. It would be pathetic if you just landed and died.
I must say, this is a great idea. I would love to see how this works out once you get it incorporated into a map, I smell a feature if you forge the map good as well. I could help you. Private message me if you want to, I get to many FR, I would accidentally decline. I have great ideas and am a pro forger.
If: You could somehow position many crates or dumpsters above some grav lifts / man cannons so that when you land on them with enough force they dip down slightly Then: You could make the hill encompass everything below a certain height. The only way to reach the hill would be to jump from very high, landing on the crates and momentarily dipping in to the hill's area of effect.