THIS MAP IS FOR LAZY MAP MAKERS! Circulation is a simple map designed around a central courtyard, it is mirror symmetrical and is basically a ring with a center. Things to note: 1. Teleporters interlock with themselves. 2. The tip of bridges are not interlocked, they have a little bit of give, as with the base of fencewalls. 3. Shield doors are obvious. 4. The silver part on the top of boxes is like the tip of a bridge. 5. The needler is in the teleporter glow. Gametypes: CTF and TS are recommended. For CTF, give the flag bearer normal melee. Weapon list: 2x PR 2x Spiker 2x SMG 2x BR 2x Mauler(0 clips, 60 sec) 2x Magnum 1x Needler 2x Power drain 1x Bubble shield(90 sec) Pics: Base A: Outside base A From Base A to mid A From mid A to intersect A From intersect A leading to bottom B Bottom B Bottom to mid B Bottom B under courtyard side entrance Courtyard main entrance B Courtyard overview See how it works? Yes, good. DL:Circulation Thanks to: Dom Says Oi, Chipsinabox, Iv0rY Snak3, cake chart, Eyeless sid for testing and various other things.
N33D5 M04R 1N7ER10(K1N6. lol. Seems like some solid competition this time around. Its nice to see that you havent attempted spots that need interlocking; if you get me. Those spots where if you dont use interlocking its just a pile of stacked walls and stuff. The Needler as the power weapon seems like a refreshing choice. Window Panels and Doors are jems in the lazy maps, its really important that they aren't wasted. It doest seem like they have, good job. Good luck in the Lazy Mapmakers contest.
wow, the lazy maps i've been seeing are better than ones i've seen with interlocking! this and yellow are great examples of what's possible without advanced forge. great job keep forging
I smell a feature or not w/e makes you happy If this was my map I would make the fence wall in the third pic face the same way but that is just me I spotted nothing else. Nice map I DLed.
this is a nice map looks like it would play well with CTF and also just normal team slayer really well done
i was about to flame you, then i noticied its for the lmmc. so for a map with no interlocking, its really good. not as good as yellow, but still awsome.
im sorry but the lazy map makers competition is closed but still for a map with no interlocking it looks very good!
I like how you put the double boxes so that it looks like it's interlocked. Otherwise the map looks amazing for LLMC. I'll download and look some more at it on forge. 5/5. I bet this plays great.
A glitch happened that made the fence walls interlock, so I had to put 1 on its side. LLMC 2 If you put boxes on their side, they touch each other, unlike upside down or normal.
I wish, I can never get a party together. I forgot to mention... ANY INTERLOCKING OR GEOMERGING FOUND, PLEASE PM ME WITH A PIC SO I CAN FIX IMMEDIATELY!(DARN GLITCHES!!!)