How your team color relates to the odds of the game outcome in Ranked MM.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wraith, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. adam2by4

    adam2by4 Ancient
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    nice theory i try and test it out altough i am only one person ill need some of my friends to help
  2. l 1337 Hax0r l

    l 1337 Hax0r l Ancient
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    I've noticed that color can effect gameplay because on certain maps players blend in with their surroundings and can be harder to see.
  3. xTheGrimPeeperx

    xTheGrimPeeperx Ancient
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    Actually, no. Bungie specifically made it so that one team wouldn't usually have the upper hand in camoflauge. That is why the colors for the teams are so damn bright and easily noticeable.

    Some maps are darker and make Blue team a little less noticeable than red, and it is the same on brighter maps that help blend Red in more, but they still stand out. Halo isn't a game about stealth.

    On-topic. This theory is seemingly possible. Bungie would probably do something like this. Making the odds on Blue team less likely of winning, but if they do they get big rewards, but that doesn't seem fair. I would just make it balanced. Pairing it up so the teams have similar skilled teamates and opponents, and giving the winning team equal amount of experience gained as the losing team's experiance lost. More fair.
  4. Tato117

    Tato117 Ancient
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    it makes somewhat sense but im not really sure it will work that will take loads of testing before it could even be considered a fact but its well though out in my oppinion.:monitor:
  5. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I honestly think this theory is complete bull. I can't believe that Whisper is like the only other person in this topic to agree with me. Bungie would not put better players on a better team because that would give them an unfair advantage. Justifying it by saying if they win they get less rank/exp or whatever it may be is stupid. They wouldn't imbalance a game even if it meant having significantly different rewards.

    Not only that but that would just be an utter waste of Bungie's time coming up with a system that did so because it wouldn't have any benefits for them or anyone else.

    Say it were matched normally and people were randomly mixed. Per say, each team has a 50% chance of winning. And that you get some of that "invisible exp that determines your rank", say that you would get 1 of these for each match won so you'd get 4 for winning 4.

    Now say they were matched up like you say. Say that the blue, "worse team" was matched up with people averaged out around 4 times their skill (for the example). So the odds would be 80% to 20% in reds' favor. So statistically blue would win around every 1 out of 5 matches. To have the skill difference match the reward deferential blue would have to have to gain 4 times as much as this 'invisible ranked exp' so if say red would get 1 for a win and blue would get 4.

    Therefore after 5 games with that system, statistically blue would get 4 and red would get 4, just the same amount. Therefore this would be just a complicated, waste of time, equivalent to the normal system, thus Bungie wouldn't do it.

    Hope you could follow all of that.
    #25 Wakko45, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    huh i never thought of this. it does make sense and seems true. i want to go test it myself.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I must have explained this wrong or something. I don't think MM places better players on the same team. It attempts to even the players out, then the team with the slight advantage it has due to the fact that no person is equal is put under red team. Then, it trys to eliminate that slight advantage that Red team has by rewarding less Skill to Red team if they win, and more to Blue team if they win.

    For example, lets say there are 8 people needed to be sorted into teams, and everyone is a Grade 1 in their rank. There are 2 Captains, 2 Majors, 2 Colonels, a General and a Brigader. Obviously, to make it even, each team gets a Captain, Major, and a Colonel. But MM must do something about the General and Brigader. It splits them and places them on different teams, which has to be the fairest option in this situation. Due to the fact that one team, the team with the General, has a slight rank advantage, MM expects the team with the slight rank advantage to win. MM places the team with the advantage of Rank gets placed on Red team. If Red team were to win, as MM expected, in Ranked Playlists the winners would recieve a smaller amount of Skill Rank (The number between your GT and Experience Rank) than Blue team would if Blue team won. So the fact that Red team gets less Skill Rank when they win is to counter the slight Experience Rank, or Skill Rank, that Red team recieves naturally by even sorting of players.

    I'm sorry if I explained something wrong in my first post, and hope this post clears it up. I'm even more sorry if this causes even more confusion. I just do not want this thread ending up in a flame fest.
    #27 Wraith, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Alright, I understand know. In that case I think it's probably true, sort of like how you get more skill when you defeat a higher level opposed to a lower level.
  9. MetalDog84

    MetalDog84 Ancient
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    No idiot the players skill affects what team!
  10. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    yes it does because in anti symetrec game some teams are in a better starting area (Guardian High Ground Ect.)
  11. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    well i thought at first red and blue were variables but when i red ur reply on how the y studied it it made so much sence +rep
  12. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    i must say your theory should be in a museum somewhere on sacred parchment, cause it's soo right, i was playing doubles tonight and started thinkin of it and started realizing everytime i was on blue the red teams combined skill was more then my nd my partners

    not to mention we won basically every game tonight nd went up as blues ^_^
  13. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Makes a good bit of sense. Of course, now the bungie conspiracy spies r gon kill u.
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Nice find. Isn't it like this?

    RED WIN- 50.5%
    BLUE WIN-49.5%
  15. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I just tested 10 matches of team slayer,and red won 7 times out of 10 and my experience barly went up when I won on the red team,guess that proves your theory right,for the moment anyways.
  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Idk why but red does seem like a very strong color, I actually do think that the color of your team means that, that team has a better combined rank.
  17. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I never had any idea! No more team matches for me lol. I don't think that they hold do that. Just randomly pick teams for gods sake!
  18. Sgt B1ggl3s

    Sgt B1ggl3s Ancient
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    Wow, that actually makes alot of sense...
  19. xxjoker333xx

    xxjoker333xx Ancient
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    i've seen this soo many times. i'll be handing out beatings on Red, and hardly ranking up at all, then i'll get on blue for a few games, and BOOM! rank up. the only thing that seems it might nullify this theory are players in a party. if you have a party of four, MM will rarely split you up.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Usually because the other team gets a party of the same amount of people closest to their average skill level. BTW, even if it is my thread joker, don't necropost. It's an infractable offense.

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