The Last Building

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Aug 18, 2008.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    The Last Building

    Man-Kinds Last Hope Is In This Only Standing Building.


    Five years after the out break of the D-VIRUS, mankind had fall-in to their knees as the D-VIRUS had wiped human kind almost clean from the globe.
    Now you and the last few humans must stand out on this infection in what is now the last building standing.
    It well look like this...

    you have the upper advantage, with all the guns rooms and ammo you need too fight off the last epic battle humans have too offer.​

    You well fight this epic battle for ten minutes until the round ends.
    theirs 5 rounds with 1-4 zombies that can spawn at the start.
    Here is some info too help you fight this battle legitly.​

    The Human Re-spawn.
    You well spawn here and choose if you want to go inside or go on the roof.​

    The Zombies Re-spawn at Start.
    Zombies are trapped until 20 seconds. After 20 sec the man cannons well spawn to shoot them out of the box.​

    Open The Door!
    Open the dumpster door by shooting the fusion coil on your right or in front of you. This is important if you do not know this at the start.

    Break The Pallet Roof!
    The pallet roof is a good thing too know if you need an easy way too kill or get to the humans faster. So watch your head Humans!​

    The roof.
    The roof can be a good place too hold down the building, but watch your back b/c a zombie might just be spawning behind your back.​

    Places To Take Advantage Of.

    The Guns in The Front Room.

    The Safe Room.

    Master Bedroom.

    Balcony Room.

    The Main Room.

    Good Luck!​

    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  2. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks Good!

    If you could host your map online I would get some of my friends and test it!
  3. a spartan omaga

    a spartan omaga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good. i think?
  4. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    yeah i think this map looks really good too and if u (the maker) have a party and test it out send me an invite (DeathsVengeance) and i'll join plus i'll dl it and test it out with my friends
  5. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very good map
    i think it could use a little more interlocking
    some suggestions would be not to overload that small armory
    make sure all those guns only have 1 or no spare clips
    make sure there isnt an area where someone could just dominate for an hour
    but i like it a lot
    super clean
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks nice, but the spelling and grammar doesn't. someone help this kid out please. Oh, and a 3.5/5 to you.
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is okay but it looks like you could camp in the room alot in this map which is very bad i think
  8. Jono36

    Jono36 Ancient
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    Looks like a good map. House for infection maps are getting really repetitive now. I like the way you have interlocked and floated the roof. It's a skill other people could learn and I love the idea of not knowing how to open the door. Make sure to put that in the map description or something. Currently downloading.

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