B-Ball Court

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DA MAN CANNON, Aug 18, 2008.


    DA MAN CANNON Ancient
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    *please note this took me 5 mins or less to make and i only posted it because it played very well so its not perfect but alot of fun in my opinion*

    this is map that i made i made because i was trying to think of a way to make a basketball game for halo. so i decided that it would be like griffball but with an obvious twist. on each end of the court there are two cages or hoops were the bomb plant points are. using grav lifts (two are always infront and each side gets two that can be deployed) you can launch the ball into the hoops for points. (it goes with the hoops gametype, not griffball) it play tested alot of fun and i hope you enjoy. o and the hoops are meant to be tilted to make it easy to get into the hoops. i thought this was original when i made it was alor fun for me so i want to share it but i made it in less than 5 mins and aparently everyones done it and mines not perfect so it sucks so if you need perfection then dont download this map but if you dont mind if its not perfect then this map is very fun and why cant maps be dl'ed because there fun? if you like griffball i can almost assure you that you will enjoy playing this map in custom games.... so dl if you want but im done caring about it anyway (after about 2 secounds)..... this is not one of my better maps by the way i can make much better and will be releasing
    a new map very soon.





    Download B-Ball Court
    Download Hoops Gametype
    #1 DA MAN CANNON, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  2. QsK Legendary

    QsK Legendary Ancient
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    why cant i ever see the pictures? this is bugging me... anyway it sounds fun
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    its not us, its you!

    here, go to my sig (computer help tech) and go to the post about portable applications..download ccleaner, and run it....it should clear it up...then restart your computer
  4. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's okay. There are better basketball maps out there.
  5. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seen this before, many times, and they were neater too. 3/5 Clean and dress it up in V2.
  6. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    do you know how to geomerge? i think that that would help this relatively blank map
    it would make the hoops look better
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is very basic map it looks like it only took you a few minutes to make
  8. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just download the actual Basket Bomb map and gametype it's much better.

    DA MAN CANNON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i said that in the discription!!!!!!!! this isnt the perfect map but its fun ill check out basket bomb................................ ya that looks like it could be fun but it just makes you jump up to get to which doesn't change the gametype that much(the none spawn killing is good though) but in mine while you jump off the grav lift the a non fatal shot to the back can knock you over the hoop making have more ways of preventing the ball carrier. the basketbomb is simple giffball with a hop at the end... in my opion the only reason it would be fun is because its griffball but im not saying its bad!!! its good but not big change. o and i did not know people had already tried this so now i know that now ......... o and i made this map for griffball and that map is an open court.... of course its basic.
    #9 DA MAN CANNON, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008

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