recently i got the demo for the game spore. it was amazing. it was extreamily fun to create creatures. and it was easy. i love the demo and i can't wait for the game to come out. so i thought... this reminds me of forge... because you pick up, spawn, and create your own creatures. and you test them too. could spore be the new forge when halo starts to fade? because it's pretty much alike. what do you think?
i think it won't be. i think farcry 2 might come into the picture, but spore just isn't what forgehub is about.
that's true far cry will be good. but there kinda similar. but forge hub is about maps. hmmm... but spore is still fun:]
Well this is true untill Bungies new project is revealed to the public. Posibly a Halo based tactical shooter?
4 years. We're all going to die in 2012, remember?. Anyway, on topic, I don't think so. Forgehub is a website about the Halo 3 forge feature. Farcry might become a part of Forgehub, but even that's unlikely. And Farcry is much closer to Forge than Spore is.
No, it won't, for a few reasons that made Forge popular: 1. It won't be on the 360, so all the console gamers that can't figure out how to install a game on their computer won't even consider buying it. 2. Millions (or whatever) of people were already going to buy Halo. Forge was just an added bonus. Even spore doesn't have thatkinda of popularity. 3. Spore isn't even on the same level of forge. It is a civilization game, while forge is a level-tinkerer/builder. Besides, there's beeen many, mnay games like Spore that haven't had the popularity that forge did. 4. Forge is for a FPS, a more popular type of game (in general) than a strategy/RTS game. 5. PC Gamers are used to actual level editors (like the one that came with Halo 2 lol) and wouldn't even consider Spore anything like it.
I thought spore was going to be on the 360 too? I heard it was going to be on all the major consoles. On-topic, I think spore could be thought of as a forge of some sort. I mean, you can make a entire civilization based off halo. You can make pelicans,scarabs, and even the buildings. Then, it would kinda be like Halo wars actually.
Yeah, but then there'd be a, and that sounds gross. Oh, and I actually might not get spore, unless you can stick to playing as the little animal. Far Cry FTW.
Spore is based around creating characters isn't it? And LittleBigPlanet is based more around forging.
Spore has the evolution "concept" so some people who don't believe in evolution arn't going to play this game. Spore, I can honestly say, is nothing forge hub. Its going to be the best "god-like" game. Control a whole race from microorganism to full born creature, to civilized creature, to planet conquering? Thats going to be amazing. You can design vehicles and stuff to so thats going to be awesome.
I played around with the Spore Creature Creator and it was full of epicness. I'm SO gonna get this game.
Doubt it'll be a new forge, seeing as the two are only similar in the way that you're controlling somthing... it's about as much a new forge as Viva Piniata... Though it IS awsomly cool, and their making it for the iPhone! along with Bioshock!!!
Where's Matty to help defend the Far Cry crown? Unless Bungie plan to release a new map editor/maker (which his highly unlikely), then Far Cry 2 will hove into view and block out most of the rays from Forge.