How can you rate the map without playing it!? Words can't express how disrespectful that is to the map author. I won't make any comments before I've checked it out, which I will be doing from the quality I see so far in the construction. I shall return with a review in due course.
From the glimpse I have at the map, it looks like it is really well done and clean. I won't have my xbox back for another month or so, so I was wondering if maybe you could put up some more pics. I know that you already have enough but like I really want to see this map without waiting a month. Don't feel obligated to, but if you could that'd be awesome. btw, good work from what I can see.
great map i played it with deadeye it is missing some fetures (spl) but its is cool im guessing gameplay is like the old midship and is awesome
well more pictures would be helpful and the fact that its midship makes me want it that the only map I played on halo 2 so... from what I can see your merges are clean and the idea is well thought out so... I guess since theres only 2 pics a 2.5/5 Ill change with more pics though
ghaaa, this map looks so awsome but the link goes to a dead forum post! CURSE YOU BUNGIE! could you please please please please send me a link to this map? I want to play it so bad!
Wow, this looks really good. The interlocking is seamless, and the remake potential is almost direct. Midship is fairly hard to remake considering it is circular and foundry is square, but your hard work paid off. 10/10
the map matches the real map on halo 2 but it seems a little sloppy no offense but it also looks like u rushed this map. And where are the grav lifts in the middle of the map. O well overall the basic structure of the map is good 4/5. This does look fun though great job keep on forging i can tell you'll make good ones!!
omagosh. I am a huge fan of mid ship. So far this is the best remake of mid ship i have seen on halo3. The layout closely resembles mid ship. This map makes all remember a little game called halo2, in this growing video game world. The map looks great. 5/5
DEFINATELY a DL. this is the best freakin remake of midship ever! i love how you actually merged stuff. all the other remakes don't have that. ill play and check it out Please make a new link to this, cuz bungie sux and such, but i rEally want to see this map.
I downloaded an earlier version and I have to say it played very well, but because of the way Halo 3 is played, some of the people I played with found it highly amusing to camp under each base, very saddening and it made me wonder about midships position in the Halo 3 world. ALso i was able to get out the map, is there any way you can alter these or are you unable to place anything else on the map. The important thing is that it still gave me those BR battles and top mid control moments I was needing. I will try out this version soon, I can't get near my xbox, my brother is too fond of Fable II.
sorry guys the link must have died after bungie updated its fileshare system. anyway fixed the link now enjoy =]
Looks great! I really like Midship, and this is a SUPER remake! Nice job; your hard work and dedication paid off! 4.8/5
I like it! its like a reencarnation of midship. I mean no one can make the purple covanent wonder of midship but this is the greatest remake ive seen. And i tell this to every one try to find pics of the real midship and the copy them to show how they connect.