stone0043Mods, i am requesting that you lock this thread. backupjake, perhaps you should try posting a not racist map if you want sympathy. and a good one. your map is fail because who wants to die 100 times as a helpless player? no one, that who. Your map is fun for only one person. EDIT: sry zoner, didnt c ur post when i posted. i'm done with this thread. 1 Minute Ago 09:15 PMzoner117I think everything that needs to be said has already been said... I'm bringing a mod into this if it doesn't change. This is a warning. 3 Minutes Ago 09:13 PMbackupjake2008i dont care im not going to argue its just not me so can any one help me learn how 2 post 3 Minutes Ago 09:13 PMThe king psychowe want pics! we want pics! 3 Minutes Ago 09:12 PMstone0043lmao, yea im the noob. ur the one asking me to tell u how to report me. what do u think i am? I have whats called intelligence. 5 Minutes Ago 09:11 PMbackupjake2008uhh how do u report?? nub 5 Minutes Ago 09:10 PMstone0043ok, report me. i will receive no penalty for your actions. you are to blame. 6 Minutes Ago 09:09 PMbackupjake2008omg i wish i can report u like on runescape 7 Minutes Ago 09:09 PMstone0043we hate u cuz ur racist and u need to leave and take that stuff elsewhere. i agree with jelly, PERMABAN! Edit: and now uve gone and double posted. thats bad. 8 Minutes Ago 09:08 PMbackupjake2008ok how u get links and pics cause the links from youtube are diffrent If I wasn't nice I would report all that for harrsment or spam but yes your post is racist and yes it needs pics and yes you are new but read the rules for once
I hate when people do this. I'm sorry but the last sentence is to have fun killing blacks. That is racist. Don't act stupid just take this down please. I still say PERMABAN.
omg i dont understand why every one seems 2 hate me from online school home and even x box live im going 2 cut my self some more
How do you not understand that it's racist? You have got to be kidding me... You are implying that black people are helpless and inferior to white people. The map is wrong, the title is wrong...everything is just wrong. Reported.
ok ill make the zombies white is that better and read the map desscription from link to learn more descrtion about the slaves dure
First of all, reported. Second of all, notice that we are in the 21st century. There is no slavery. Everyone is equal. We do not bring up slavery.