SWAT House 2 is the ultimate map for all those tactical SWAT lovers. The map features a defending team held up in the warehouse, and a team attacking from the outside. -Attackers start here (nothing glorious) -Can go left around the house to the crawlspace entrance.... ...and pop up inside here -Or they can go right to the main entrance... -Or keep going around right to the ventilation system entrance or the back door What sets this map apart from the rest is the tactical gameplay and the intricately designed ventilation system, which has an outside entrance, and inside entrance, and two exits from the ceiling to drop in. Weaved into this subtle and unsuspecting roof is a ventilation system just waiting to be flaunted by the enemy. -And for good measure here is a screen from the inside of the warehouse, as well as the inside entrance to the vent. The defenders must work together and utilize their resources efficiently to survive the onslaught of the attacking team. The map took me and my roommate about two days of constant work and boredom to make, and we used merging to the best of our abilities. The aesthetics may be a little touchy in some spots but the superb gameplay surely makes up for it. Also, due to a lack of funds, there are no additional weapons on the map, making it a SWAT only map. Defenders get a turret, 2 trip mines and a deployable cover and the attackers get a grav lift, a flare, a bubble shield, and an invis. Only supported gametypes are 1 flag CTF and 1 bomb assault...and of course slayer. Download- Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this actually looks really cool, you could have flipped those boxes in the first pic, but i like swat and this looks like a decent map for it. 3.5/5
This looks ok, but some noobs can mess around in the back hallway, I would seal that off. It is kind of hard to make a good house map, but this looks good from the pics, and thank god it isn't infection lol.
Good job... you made a first map post pretty good and you made a map that has some decent interlox 3.7/5
I like the fact that you gave the house a ventaltion system and the basic structure, but some of your merging is a little sloppy(not saying mines any better). 4/5 looks fun to play on
i just came on forge hub because i was like hmm i want to play a swat map needless to say i am happy i will dl i really like the idea of a ventilation system, gives it a very swat-y feel the only thing i would get rid of is the turret 4.5/5