MODERN MANSION <- Click to Download. - Relatively large mansion great for clans or anyone else who wants to feel rich. The Mansion has several rooms including a living room, dining room, kitchen, and garage. It has two bedrooms and a great entrance with a chandelier. Its also perfected using interlocking and other forging techniques. There's not a wall out of place. - Contains several hidden weapons, like a rocket launcher on the TV and an energy sword in the walls. Also, the mansion has deployable shields and trip mines to "lock" the doors. The map would work with infection because there are multiple entrances into the mansion, including a small hole on the roof. Screenshots: (Click on picture to enlarge) Download Map from
post not up to FH's must embed at least one pic...if not, go to the map posting section, and look at the rules...they will have a tutorial there. if your post is not up to standards in 24 hours, this will be locked!
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator..
the pics need to be embeded if you cant do that your screwd. if u do 1 and find it to hard put some links to the rest EDIT: i can see 1 now for some reson it wasnt showing before put links to others or do embed thing
please PM me when this is up and ready, need anymore help? click the thing in my Sig. P.S. ill edit this post when its up to use for my reply
sorta but the pictures are really small Use instead its much easier but the map looks pretty good : ]
Don't sweat it you'll figure everything out soon enough. As for the map try to come up with an idea that hasn't been done before mansion maps are very repetative on these forums so if you make one makwe it amazing. Your new and I'd like to say welcome to forgehub.
Mansion looks cool but I think there are too many of these made on foundry. Great building but onoriginal idea. 2.5/5.
I'm sorry, the pictures are small and I'm too lazy to click them. The map doesn't look the best from what I did see either.
yea its ok from what i can see coming from experience with building these for example blank mansion v2 might give u an example i give u a 3/5 try an make ur idea better make it orignal it may be hard but the end product will make a lot of people happy good luck in the future
I see you use Imageshack, please use the link they give you that they say for you to not to use. They are big liars. But, from what I do see it looks good for a first creation, though I would recomend working on your skills a bit more.