lol pimp!!! while playing rocket race, just shoot behind you if ur passenger, and you will propel the mongoose into the finish line thing! 5/5 for the screeny
Wow. That's freaking awesome. Ha ha it'd be cooler if it wasn't staged, but then again the quality of the photo wouldn't be that great and it probably wouldn't be as great because there'd be obstacles in the way of your shot. A lot harder to do no doubt. But this one is really great.
What a great clue! [sarcasm] Well i suck at clues anyway so it could be good =] Never mind .. But the pic is great and i love the whole idea! Great job! =]
Ya it's a Mongoose flying in the air and is just about to get hit by a Rocket. Awesome pic, nice background.
this is a very funny picture because it really does look like a jet powered goose I would have taken it from another angle to block the rocket and clicked the stick to zoom in but still funny
Nice. The picture looks so cool at the angle it is taken at. Would have been cooler un-staged, but I got a laugh out of it anyways. 5/5
actually no it's not... to be honest the rocket is far away it's all the camera position.. and this picture wasn't really staged.. the idea of taking pics was, but the actually jet powered idea just came from messing with the camera angles when i came across this.
Right... Don't say pimp. This is a very cool screenshot its perfect. The mongoose is looking up and every thing there is no flaws. This is a perfect screenshot!