Titanium: –noun Chemistry. a dark-gray or silvery, lustrous, very hard, light, corrosion-resistant, metallic element, occurring combined in various minerals: used in metallurgy to remove oxygen and nitrogen from steel and to toughen it. Symbol: Ti; atomic weight: 47.90; atomic number: 22; specific gravity: 4.5 at 20°C. Also, a map. Titanium: The Map Look for the release of the metal sometime this fall. Titanium is a small, asymetrical map with, featuring two elevators, two bases, walkways, a hang em' high-esque feel, and a hell of a lot of interlocking and geo-merging. This map supports slayer, team slayer, assault, CTF, and infection. 3 player ffa slayer, 2 player slayer BRS, 2v2 team slayer, and 4-5 player infection is suggested. Now, on to the pictures! The Attackers base. Contains a BR and radar jammer, with the shotgun in the 'cubby' outside of it. The inside of the attackers base, looking up. Someone is inside the attacker's base! The defenders base, with a sniper on top of it. The inside, featuring a trip mine and a plasma pistol, as well as two frags, dual magnums, and a BR. The outside area. While the walkways are a safer position, they do not promise the same amount of kills. Me riding the elevator The main structurein the middle. Use the B signs as cover, or as a ramp! An overview The oversheild and second elevator. Watch as your confused friends get caught in the grav lift! Or, they could go on top of the fence and get to the powerup. Action shots Shenanigans! And the clear winner is... Wall ride! See ya! Download Titanium Here.
I haven't seen you on in a long time but that is probably because you have been making this totally awesome map =P. Interlocking and geomerging, I see. The layout is and isn't something at the same time, it is one of those things you can't explain. But yes, 5/5 and a download from me.
like the map fun for slayer.. good thing you made it so you couldn't get out it was easy until you made the final version. -----------------------------------------------------------------------P.S. The last pic is sexy....sexy enough to be me...or wait it is..
looks good ......... DL for sure edit* Ok so i was able to play it and it was a lot of fun, good feedback from everyone that played in my game (just team slayer). 4/5
DUDE! sick maP!!!1 I so <3 this it ain't even funny! It is just like hang em high! It is so sick!! I love this map so much! NICE ELEVATERS!!11 nice definition DUDE! This is TOTAL cereal awesome!! LOL nice map though, seriously.
this map is - to me- an overall sexy/5 i will have to download this sometime in the near future. good job with it, it looks very playable and aesthetically pleasing great work humboys
Great map! I've always been trying to get a look that seems like the map is not in foundry. 4.5/5 I like the gameplay of the map and the structures in the map. The interlocking looks clean and the elevators look nice. Overall Good Job! Keep Forging!
this is a great map my friend, it has some very coool interlocking as well as geomerging, and i really like the layout. I also think your aesthernics are above par, so overall this is very, very nice. 5/5
VERY, VERY good layout. Definite download from me. I love asymmetrical maps! The majority of the maps I have are asymmetrical. I love the structures and just the overall map! 5/5!
it's really good. i was thinking about forging a map with the same kind of layout but i dont have to now cause i can just download it.
The map looks really great, i think it has a small chance of getting featured! The layout is awsome and the middle structure is pwnzoroo! Ill dl, 5/5! THIS IS MAI 117'th POST! LOL
I like the layout and your merging looks smooth although I don't like vehicles on maps, yes even mongooses they get annoying anyway 4.5/5
Great map buddy, sure has some nice Interlocking, the Geo Merged Double box with that particulair angle looks like it've taken somewhile and it was hard, and frustrating! =D The layout looks clear, though the map sometimes seems a bit ot open and boring, but maybe add some scenery here and there and it will look better! You also may want to flip all the boxes with the underside in, or any other direction so you're facing the underside. This map looks pleasing, keep up the good work!
Actually, the box in the middle was just a mistake that I chose to go with. I almost never have plans for my competitive maps, and they turn out well anyway. Thanks for the comment.
looks like an awesome map i love the interlocking and the towers make the map have a whole new look . whats up with the stuff at the very top though?
Wow great map!seems you put alot of effort into getting it perfect, no flaws what so ever in the interlocking and geomergeing that i can see from the pics! 5/5!