I have had this idea from halo 1 using sidewinder but there was no practical way of scoring. I can’t archly make this at the moment as my TV is bust so I am just looking 4 ideas here what I have so far. basically what I what to do is 1 team has to get as many vehicles throw a series of check points or safe zones in a given time or till they all die whilst team 2 has tries to stop them. Passable map sand trap Passable vehicles warthog’s elephant and mongoose Team switch sides at end of round The only problem is how do u get it so that team 1 to gets a point every time 1 person gets to their "safe zone". is it passable to make team 1 all VIPs and none on team 2? Shod there just b elephants for team 1 whilst team 2 gets jeeps tanks to attack them? If u can think of any problems or sagest anything that may make it better then please post below
Well, in answer to question 1, no, I don't think it is possible to make it so that a team scores a point for every person crossing the checkpoint, or safe zone. Question 2, you cannot make a whole team VIP's, I think you can have either 1, or 2 VIP's for a team. However, you can have it where the VIP's are only on one team. Question 3, Elephants are extremely slow, it sounds like you are trying to build a fast paced game, I suggest mongooses for the scoring team, and maybe 2 warthogs for the team trying to stop them. It would work out well as about a 6v6 game.
You can only have 1 VIP per team. To make this map like a convoy treck. Make the VIP practically immovable and spawn on the elephant, not being able to use ANY vehicles. It forces him to stay on it. Make him invulnerable but able to use weapons. He won't be killable, but since he can't drive and he is so slow he won't be able to do anything by himself... so the team has to survive and stick together. Have his team members able to drive, but the other team not able to. Make it slightly difficult to make it to the checkpoint. Good luck, I think it would be interesting to watch vehicles circling the elephant to protect the driver... who is obviously the most important person, cuz the VIP can only attack...
If you want, you could set up bunkers with machine gun turrets for the Attackers to use. Giving the Vip team 2-4 rocket shots and a sniper. Sounds good. I might make one myself.
got a big problem with the elephant ..... u cant get 1 past the uler they r just to big especially at they're starting points or at lest its to hard to b pratical 1.load 1 up with fusion coils and light that #### up problem is lag 2. team 1 starts on both elephant bu only 1 vip 3.team 1 starts on both elephants and has 2 vips 4. 3 teams 2 on elephants with vip and 1 starts in the mid with hogs need sume feed back on these iders thank
I was trying to make my map when I noticed some strange going ons with the elephant. 1. drivers are not effected by any explosives including guse hogs. some 1 is bound to of noticed this be4. 2.elephant can not drive over vip checkpoints easily aloth they can if it is at the bottom of a dip like the mid point of sandterp.this will also ejects the hog out the front of the elephant squirrel_wtf the first point can help in maps where you don't what the driver to die quickly. any ideas on how to get round the second point as I need the elephant as transport for my map