Whats you top 5 favorite movies of all time!? Rules- 1- You must give 5 movies, no more and no less. 2- If you can't decide on a placing you can just write them down in a sentence. 3- You can also discuss other peoples selection of movies. 4- Have fun! JAY's top 5 1# The Dark Knight 2# Donnie Darko 3# The Butterfly Effect 4# 10 Things I Hate About You 5# Zoolander I have seen the Dark Knight 5 times at the movies and I could go see it again. Amazing acting, Amazing Story and a Amazing movie. Donnie Darko is one of my all time favorites for its story line. I don't know why I like The Butterfly effect as mush as I do, but maybe because it has a story line just like Donnie Darko. 10 things I hate about you has all of my favorite actors and actresses in it, Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Larisa Oleynik and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Zooland gets 5th post because its so damn funny.
No particular order. The Dark Knight, 300, Bleach: Memories of Nobody, Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny, Superbad. These are just of the few movies I've seen and liked recently.
Only five, alright here I go #5 Spaceballs (I have love that movie forever) #4 Hot Fuzz #3 The South park movie. #2 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas #1 Return of the Dragon
I just saw the kite runner last night. That was kind of cool because there was shooting and a guy getting beat up and stuff. But I would say in no order: Anger Management Napoleon Dynamite (classic movie) The Dark Knight IDK I like a lot of movies
1- The Departed, my opionion is the best 2- Happy Gilmore ---Classic 3- There's Soemthing about Mary----OMG 4- Cloverfield- ---simply amazing 5- I am Legend ----Epic, and then some.
I would agree that I will do this in no particular order V for Vendetta Lord of the Rings Trilogy The Dark Knight Fight Club Gladiator
Favorite recent movies: 1. The Dark Knight 2. Iron Man 3. 300 4. Superbad 5. I Am Legend All-time favorites: 1.> 2.>(insert Star Wars trilogy here, the originals of course) 3.> 4. The Dark Knight 5. Predator
1. True Romance 2. Legends of the Fall 3. The Boondock Saints 4. Green Street Hooligans 5. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
In no order... V for Vendetta Dark Knight 5th Element The Blue Dahlia (1946) Snake in Eagle's Shadow (1978)
1. Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull-- Who couldn't love Indy? 2. Star Wars: The Clone Wars-- Even though it's animated, It's one of the best SW movies 3. Transformers-- Simply Beautiful 4. Iron Man-- Iron man is the best superhero there is 5. Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix-- All the HP movies are good but this one's better than all of them according to me
Boy this is so hard for me because I have so many favorite movies, but I guess I'll pick five out of the hundreds that I love. In alphabetic order: -2001: A Space Odyssey -Boogie Nights -The Last Detail -The Godfather -Rushmore
As of recently the movies i've been watching a lot: (no particular order) 1.Pulp Fiction 2.Fight Club 3.Pineapple Express 4.Oceans 11 5.Hot Fuzz
I totally forgot about Boondock Saints and along with that Reservoir Dogs. The shawshank redemption is also really good. My favorite animated movie would probably be Final Fantasy.
No order -Leon It took a seemingly heartless subject, and made it touching and emotional, while providing good metaphoric value. - Ronin Its a decent Robert De Niro action flick, but the camera work was amazing. It had the best transitions that I have ever seen, so I use them as models for my own. One in particular had a transition in the middle of one shot to another, and the 2 shots appeared to be 1. - GodFather I-II These are classics. All be it, 1 was in ways better than 2, the art style in the second's cinematography was brilliant. Also, the lighting in the flashbacks with that yellow tint really set the mood. There are several instances of great film examples you can find in that movie. -Saving Private Ryan I love this film. It is a great action film, and it displayed Spielberg's genius. The acting, the emotion, execution, everything seemed perfect. Not to mention it's opening is famous for being one of the first war movies to really show the horrors of war, and it did so excellently. - The Sixth Sense Ah, this movie was great. I loved it. Shyamalan did a great job directing this, because it seemed like Bruce Willis was actually interacting with the world around him, when he was not. That alone was amazing. And the story is still one of my favorite to this day. - Se7en I loved this film. It had that artistic edge to it, while being a Hollywood funded movie. The title sequence was amazingly well edited. Ontop of that, the filming and lighting was great, and added to the atmosphere creating a "**** hole" that that movie took place in. And it has Morgan Freeman. Oops, I think I went over already...
Into The Wild. The most excellent fim ever made... Into the Wild (film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)