Note: I am posting the voting thread because it has not been posted yet, and should have been on Friday. Mallet, if you are doing this, I am just doing a favor. The entries have been collected and it's now time for the voting. To make your vote post in this thread stating which you believe is the best signature and your reasons why. So why am I not using a poll? Well there are two answers Firstly I want to ensure the voting is based solely on the quality of the sigs and not have the voting turn into a popularity contest. You must provide a valid reason with your vote based on the properties of the signature. Any vote without a reason will be disregarded. Secondly the poll system on the forum can only have ten options and there are often more than ten entrys. This is the best solution as far as I'm concerned. If you have entered the contest you are free to vote, but naturally you may not vote for yourself. Here are the entries: Draxfear megathumbs reaper of bunny masterjelly7 LOCKdownN E93 eguitarplaya33 Mikey xxAl Capwnagexx helzmessenger Zerosun Convulse knight kninja Stoj Lord Sick1g bluepenguin23 SPAGETTI Murdock Sampson linubidix
KratosAurion777 boydy duff himself CaMOfo DRiSCOLL opothehippo Good luck guys. To clarify: You must post your vote and a valid reason for this vote. Votes based on how cool the creator is will be disregarded. Votes with no reason at all will be disregarded. Let the voting commence.
I am voting for Knight Kninja Hes just seems to flow very good together and i like how he incorperated the players into the scene with the sports, but he did it in a way so its not to overpowering of a focal point
I'm gunna go with xxAl Capwnagexx Its just really clean modern, and I like that. Also, did bluepenguin23 even try?
Wow, I have to say, I really like knight kninja's. I love the colors he chose to separate the crows from the players, it has a sort of 'gloomy' effect, which IMO is very nice.
i was gonna vote knight but it was just two pictures put together im gonna vote duff himself. I like how the logo is kinda stamped in place and just the overall appearance is nice.
mallet struggles lulz. i vote for Duff Himself's. Its very pleasing to the eye and flows really well, the blurry background contrasting with the stark olympics symbol is nice.
my vote goes to mikey, because of the orange (my fav color), the fact that it is original, nobody thought of simplicity and minimalism...i love it! 5/5 I will win haha jk
I am voting for Camofo He basically did the idea I was thinking of doing, and I thought that was pretty cool. I've always liked how his sigs don't follow a rectangular shape as well.
wow knights looked awesome... then i saw the commercial on tv. sorry i just can't vote for his even though it does look bad ass. kratos gets my vote. a simple idea that works so well. the comic book style split pictures really grabbed my attention!
I'm going to vote for Linubidix because it's really simple yet really good and it has all sorts of crazy good effects. I just really like it a lot.
Defo Mikey. I <3 the iPod things, (I made one myself) and apparently he cropped the image himself. Kudos to that.
Convulse His is just flawless, creepy, and awesome. Perfection people. And I don't wanna be a *****, but since I'm saying this, I might as well say it. Or, I'll just post a video that explains itself.
I vote for Duff Himself because his is overall very good. The blending of the two pictures is very well done, and the Beijing Olympics logo has a really cool embossed looking effect to it.