Ummm... I haz new sig.... its from the play/book Wicked..... CnC please EDIT: Does knight kninja have a "wicked" avatar?
if you would have looked, you woulda seen that the wicked play already has drawn ppl and that he pretty much just added text 1/5 haha draxfear we both have stewie avatars!!!
I cropped and added a few effects actually... I also smudge to make the picture longer. No. Google images ftw
I think the sig is the bomb, even thought I have no idea what the whole "wicked" relates to. It is still pretty cool though. 5/5
haha i saw u post it awhile back and all the newbie animators were making rain sigs.. i lol'd at it and put it in siggy
It's not bad. Certainly very aesthetically pleasing, although it would have been more impressive if you'd drawn the figures yourself. I would have changed the color of the white hair and hat to contrast more with the face.
well, at my school, all the chicks love wicked. Not much to comment on the sig, lol, its good, but the text looks a bit blurry, otherwise it fits quite well with the sig.