im giving you a sneak preveiw of my new minigame map coming out called..DeathBowl... Questions, comments, concerns?
1. what gametypes will be available to it 2. how much money do you have left a. if enough, are you going to bulid something in the middle or around the edges etc. 3. interlocking is nice 4. what is the farthest you can walk up the edges without falling 5. wtf is that hole in the middle lol please answer them in a PM to me i dont think imma be comin back to this thread soon!
Er, answer them in this thread, too, if you would. It's a minigame, so...describe what you've got in mind?
not going to happen it is a sneak peak wait for the map and then criticize it and cant you guess if you look closely at wut is in the picture
the arena looks neat and smooth but without a breakdown of what the game itself is i can't give any more feedback I would guess that the hole is a death pit and the arena is the hill the attacker would have a vechile{a choice of vechiles would be better} and try to push the defenders in this map will hinge on how fun you make that I am not excited by this but I am definately interested
This is a preview guys So he wont be answering questions. Its NOT the actual map. o, and, its Harrible
I hate previews. Hype leads to a downfall. A harsher and large amount of negativity from the public if it's bad or doesn't live up to the hype. My advice, don't give a preview. Just submit your map and hope for the best...
it looks great thus far, but its literally just a bowl. I cannot tell whats gonna happen with it at this point, so ill just reserve my comments for the real deal. so far looks awesome though.